MovieChat Forums > Avatar 5 (2031) Discussion > I love the ambition!

I love the ambition!

I'm not a fan of avatar and I think it's one of Cameron's weakest movies.
I wish he'd be making a sequel or a series of True Lies, or making Aliens or Terminator sequels (instead of the crap Scott and others are churning out).
Or something new alltogether.

Having said that, I love the ambition of scheduling 4 sequels to such a weak storyline, of a movie from more than 10 yeas ago, at his age, 8 years ahead into the future, and with no idea if even the second or the third one are gonna be a success.

I like how crazy and ballsy that is, go James, I'm looking forward to see this gran finale!


He has a great plan dont worry


I'm sure he does.
That means little in the real world, most crazy fools have their "plan" that has nothing to do with reality.


I'm guessing that Cameron saw what George Lucas did and now have the same ambitions thinking "Hey, would be great for my legacy if I too could make something like that". It's made possible with all the money/credibility he made over the years. Not sure how this will turn out though....


Well, it would be incredible if anybody, even more so Cameron, saw what Lucas did and decided to copy it.
I mean, Lucas made a ton of money, but his saga went from epic success to total turd in a steady and unstoppable fall, so I wouldn't think of him as an example to follow.
The same guy who could invent genius worlds and characters became unable to do anything right. Disney has only made things worse.

Avatar is nowhere as significant or awesome as Star Wars, that's why I'm expecting something great from Cameron with a four movie span: he has a lot of room to push the envelope far beyond the blue people.
Let's hope for an epic beyond that planet and beyond the avatar concept.


I agree with you on this point. It takes moxie. He has that.

I've not traditionally been a big fan of many of his films. Hated The Abyss (absolutely hated it), really didn't like T2 (I know, anathema - though I did like the special effects of the morphing Terminator), True Lies was decent until it took a detour mid-film), and yes . . even Aliens. Time has not been kind to Aliens, but it's not nearly as bad as the aforementioned and I can still watch it on occasion. Oh, and Alita Battle Angel . . . was ok, but nothing spectacular.

Titanic grew on me over the years and I have it in my film collection. I do like Avatar and will see at least the first sequel. Then go from there . . .


Do you realize you just trashed the best sequels ever made in film history?


I don't recall mentioning The Empire Strikes Back or Godfather II.


Nope, exactly: you mentioned Aliens and T2, which are on the same level as those other two.


It might surprise you to know that there is this thing called subjectivism. Not everyone evaluates or connects with films in the same way, therefore opinions on films vary accordingly.

In other words, we disagree. I can live with that. Can you?


I wholeheartedly can.
Still, keep in mind that your opinion clashes with the opinion of the vast majority, not just mine.


Duly noted. I'll do my best to live with myself.
