MovieChat Forums > Siren (2018) Discussion > The Military involvement

The Military involvement

So we have what I presume to be a Top Secret military facility where they're holding Ryn's mermaid sister and the fishing vessel North Star's crew member. The base is surrounded by a high security fence covered in razor wire and cctv cameras, with soldiers patrolling outside and inside the facility. Oh look! Is that graffiti I see all over the roof?! So we have the local graffiti artists who manage to get into the facility to tag the building from top to bottom. LMFAO.

Oh and what about the military mermaid tracking device that is stuck in the North Star's rudder that Ben somehow manages to get from the freezing cold waters of the Bering Sea without dying, and then he figures out it has a camera and a tracking device inside, but hey, he decides not to disable it, but to carry it around in his possession all over the place, for which I'm sure military are really grateful for. LMFAO

No, not a good start, and that's only episode one.

Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored


Oh look! Is that graffiti I see all over the roof?! So we have the local graffiti artists who manage to get into the facility to tag the building from top to bottom. LMFAO.

Yeah, there is no chance that the military are using a formally abandoned building and it suited their purpose to maintain that appearance.
