If your not watching "old" movies you are really missing out and only denying yourself some satisfying experiences
I dont disagree with....
as I said Its just hard, Its hard to watch something that you have no motivation to....
My Mom has been telling me for years, I should watch The Godfather 1 and 2....I know they are considered 2 of the greatest movies ever made, and I really like movies like that....but I just cant get motivated to do it...
hell in fact, I have pretty much no doubt I would LOVE some of the older movies I've been avoiding, But I just got to find a way to get motivated to start them...
In 2015, I watched The Force Awakens(it was my 1st time watching any SW movies), I really enjoyed it....It made me want to start watching the Older Star Wars films...buuuuuuut, No matter what I did I couldnt get motivated to watch The Original Trilogy....I ended up watching Prequels instead(which for me knowing nothing about Star Wars , they were decent).
Then In 2016, I watched Rogue One....Which again I really Enjoyed, again I wanted to watch the original Star Wars films....This time, I actually started the film, Got about 15 minutes in before I realize I didnt even remember what I watched.
I was so bored and not interested in the movie, The entire time I was watching, I was thinking about something else in my head and didnt even realize what was happening in the movie...
This used to happen to me in High school....I used to HATE History and science class....whenever The teachers would give us homework where we had to read 2 or 3 chapters....I would go home and read the chapters, but after I got done, I would realize I dont actually remember very much about what I read, because I was so bored and uninterested in what I was reading, The entirely time I was reading, I was thinking about something completely different in my head....
Older films just dont appeal to me , I have to some reason that gets my really interested to watch them...and I recognize thats not a good thing and as you said, Its almost certainly resulting in me missing out on some great films...