Excellent reviews but...
I read excellent reviews on this so was looking forward to watching it which I did a couple of days ago. This is just my personal take on it but I didn't feel the same excitement as the reviewer.
I can't work out if Coltrane s character is supposed to be played with some ambiguity but I found him utterly repellant. This may be the desired effect, in which case it was masterly done. I found Julie Walters character overly pinched with excessive tension through her whole body...but then again this may be the desired affect. Andrea 's portrayal of the daughter I thought was masterful and refreshingly unpredictable and non - formulaic in her characterization of a damaged woman.
The script though I found unedessarily obtuse and refracted at times and the episode as a whole quite fragmented.
The whole thing has an uneasy air of unnecessary 'sleeziness ' for want of a better word which I don't think affords this production the light and shade I think it needed to hold its own and give the viewer some reason for investment in the main character.
The cast is excellent and I would expect great things from them all but Andrea's portrayal of the daughter is the highlight for me and one thing on which I would agree with the review I read.
But looking at Coltane especially, i would have to say the word 'damaged' seems to be the filter through which every scene is played...is he playing it too heavy with undertones that are just too dark??
I would be interested to know other's opinions...constructive and polite comments only please.