There is little doubt he most likely had sex with lots of young Women and when i say young i mean mid to late Teens.
Its the Hospital abuse and Pedophilia that was the most horrifying and people now take this all as a given and that he is guilty as Hell BUT what i don't like is how this all came about years after he died. So many people decided to come forward when there was zero chance of a trial and that's what gets me. He can not even defend himself.
If i had to say if i thought he was innocent or guilty, i'd certainly lean towards guilty, but the reason i'm saying this is because this show is obviously a take on the Savile accusations and they even reference it with him going, "They think i'm Jimmy *beep* Savile" at the end.
People have made up their minds now, so it seems, public and TV executives alike.
Depends who you choose to believe. Savile's protestations at the time, and his family, who were probably in the dark through it all and just want his memory protecting; or the hundreds of victims, and hundreds of witnesses to his practices. Don't forget now, it's not just the victims who have spoken out, it's staff that worked close to him including nurses at the hospitals he frequented.
There's no doubt in my mind he is guilty; I, like jurors would under different circumstances, choose to believe the victims.
The problem is that there a lot of glaring holes in many of the accusations that have been made public. Over 40 NHS organisations investigated alleged connections with Savile and/or accusations of abuse on their premises. If anyone actually reads those reports (they're linked on the BBC website), they'll see that some organisations have firm evidence that the incidents did not take place; some can find no evidence that placed Savile on the premises at the same time as the accuser/s and so refuted the accusation; and some can find no contradictory evidence but no confirmatory evidence either. In some cases a third party reported Savile assaulting an individual who - when located - flatly denied anything had happened.
One accusation was from a woman who said she was molested by Savile dressed in surgeon's scrubs while she was coming round from the anaesthetic after an operation. The only problem was that this operation took place in a hospital in Sussex at a time when Savile was still a wrestler in Yorkshire, before he got involved in the music business and long before got into hospital-orientated charity work. In another case all they had to "investigate" was a single report that someone may once have been spotted Savile in the hospital car park at some point a few decades previously. They could find no evidence that he had ever visited the hospital at any time.
Savile was undoubtedly a sleazy old ma in an age were sleazy old men were all to prevalent. It would take a more thorough investigation than anyone is prepared to undertake to properly sort the wheat from the chaff.
I actually knew a man who was a hospital porter at Stoke Manderville in the 1970s. He said he was young and fancied the nurses. All he could offer them was fish and chips.
Savile would waltz in driving his Rolls Royce. The nurses would throw themselves at him. He was famous, rich and could offer them something more than fish and chips.
As the Trump tapes state. When you rich and famous they let you do anything to them.
Just because I am sick of men carping on about goldiggers (not just a female thing - check out how many silly women get all their money nicked from con artists) - Men will let a woman do anything to them - as long as she is perfect looking.
Its almost as if its ok for a man to be sexist and say "all women want is money"
but then you have to accept that
"all men want are good looks - they couldn't care less for personality" both equally as shallow and equally as stupid generalisations.
I wish people who come with terms like "Golddigger" could come up with one for men who proudly express they wouldn't touch a less attractive/over weight woman.
I never see a rich man with a below average broad. It goes both ways.
Hitler was never tried in a court of law but he was still guilty . Once a person is dead they are history and if their crimes did not come to light within their life-time , history judges them. History undoubtedly judges Saville guilty.
There were hundreds of allegations lodged against Savile, and many witnesses testify to knowing what kind of man he was.
By contrast, Paul Finchley had two accusers.
Savile was a serial child molester and rapist. Finchley possibly committed one rape.
Of course, that doesn't exonerate him; a rape is a rape. But these are still two different types of men. Both messed-up and malign, but Savile was the real monster.
In the mid-90s I got to know a girl who was a radiographer at Stoke Mandeville hospital. She told me even back then that all the young female medical professionals found him very creepy and too 'touchy/feely' and there was an unwritten rule among the girls that they would remain in pairs regardless of whatever they were meant be to doing while he was around the hospital and never get stuck alone in a room with him. This was obviously years before we had heard anything like the serious allegations which have arisen over the past few years. On the other hand, in the recent Louis Theroux documentary two women who worked with him for years and knew him as well as anyone denied ever seeing any hint of him ever misbehaving - and one woman, his former p.a. claimed that the allegations could not possibly be true and must all be made up.
Its horrifying. The only good thing that can come from this is that now people are more aware. Thanks for sharing your experience. It kinda gives me really uncomfortable anxiety - I knew a man like this - my own step Dad :-( - he was dumped by my mum for someone else - thank God but before that - he used to creep out my friends - esp male friends who seemed to have a radar - I used to - I have no idea why - Think nothing of it when he grabbed my bum whilst giving me a hug - but I also remember him ALWAYS somehow managing to accidentally walk into the shower room whilst I was using it - or being in the hallway as I went from the shower room to my room - messing about with my underwear (Im just doing the washing) - spying at me through the windows etc. NONE of it occurred to my innocent brain that the guy was a total creep and I do genuinely feel so totally stupid for it. I was about 15 when he first "kissed" me - I felt pity for him - anyway it didn't end well. It got worse and worse until he did something unforgivable and got himself in a lot of trouble - but now he is free, living in another country and even though he is nearly 80 he has managed to marry a 25 year old.
People have to be aware of these creeps. Don't be paranoid. He made it perfectly clear that he was somewhat obsessed with 'youth' he said all the time that women over a certain age were 'useless'. Total creep. People warned me but I grew up with him as a father figure I couldn't see it until it was too late.