The whole show seems to be one long recap after another. Here we are 5 episodes into the show, and they have just basically recpping the same stuff over, and over again. This season is pretty wack if I may say so. I never thought I'd miss Tami, and Maymay.
Where, before every commercial, they show you what's coming up & after every commercial they show you what they already showed you. These shows are looped previews of shows that never actually occur, then they recap by showing you collections of the previews that they already showed.
On a series with a season's worth of episodes, where each episode is approximately 42 minutes long, there is approximately 2 hours worth of film shown over the span of the series (which is chopped up, edited, re-edited and repeated over and over).
And if that's not enough for you... don't you enjoy the repetitive shots of the exterior of the prison shown over and over and over in between each scene? (That's a good 15 minutes of each episode right there!) Nothing more interesting and informative than a building's brink wall, some outside lights, and razor wire atop a fence!
This show is unwatchable. Talk about garbage editing, needlessly repetitive and heavy-handed sound effects... Do people really need these sorts of gimmicks to maintain interest? The repetition of material and over-the-top editing style outshine the actual content in the show. Seriously, this passes for quality tv? 8.0 rating?? Granted, the material is really interesting, but the execution/production is laughable.
I'm thinking this isn't even a real jail. I think everyone there are just actors. Where is D'Aundre from last season. This one started only 2 weeks after the last one ended. I see they still have Treyshawn and that accused murderer, but none of the women are the same.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog