
Has there ever been any mention as to why they don't have access to an outside yard? I get such claustrophobic just watching them in this gray concrete box. Maybe there's not enough space at the facility or there's an escape risk etc.

There's no access to sunlight or fresh air.


It looks like there isn't a place to put an outside yard. I am saying this from watching the overhead shots of the building and surrounding area.

This is just a jail, not prison (they could bond/bail out if they have the funds, and they are there to go to and from their hearings for the crime they are charged with). In prison, if they are convicted of the crime, they will get outside time, depending on the prison and location within said prison.


They have enough space roaming around the pod I have never seen a jail like that just look at Behind Bars Rookie Year, it is totally different.


How is the Behind Bars rookie show by the way? I haven't seen it yet.


Behind Bars; Rookie Year is filmed in several large prisons though, rather than a county jail.
back when they did show them going to rec time (If i remember correctly, only one time in each season) was it mentioned if they actually go on a fairly regular basis? For whatever reason they don't show us..but I would like to think they get to go out once a week 

I never finish anyth


They referred to the reason in season 1, and why their rec periods are in the gym instead. There are plenty of jails that allow at least one hour a day outside recess. This just isn't one of them.
