why all the hate?

all I read in the threads was this show is boring or slow, and the acting is silted. first it's a show that takes it time to get to where it needs to go. second there is a difference between being boring and being a slow burn. And third I'm about done the series and the acting seems great, so I would like to hear examples of scenes of where they go wrong on that front.

I just think it's stupid when people calling *beep* boring when it's about a old married couple, it's like what did you expect a transformer running into the living room and *beep* to blow up. If it isn't your type of show that's one thing but if it fails to be it's own thing that's another.


Well, the casting is often horrible. Michael Chernus is married to that absolute babe (forget her name), Marc Maron is having sex with Emily Ratajkowski?

The absurdity of it is so bad it pulls you out of the story.


Michael Chernus wife talks about how she knew his twenty year old dick and it's hard to like *beep* his half hard dick and it lends to the idea he was in better shape when they first met and also that he *beep* better.

also with Marc Maron' character, his own female friend repeated over and over again that
Emily the naive college student only *beep* him cause he's famous. don't tell me you never heard of a hot chick that *beep* a ugly/old dude just cause he is famous/rich.


I have finished 4 episodes and it's very boring. I don't get the experiment here. Not really sure what Swanberg is going for. To be honest I have never liked his work.


To be honest I have never liked his work.

and that's what pisses me off about all the complaints people have about this show. it's just not your thing. it's like if you only like action films like die hard and then you watch clerks,then complain and say it sucks cause all they do is just talk the whole time.


and that's what pisses me off about all the complaints people have about this show.

Why are you taking complaints personally? 

I don't get pissed off if people love a show or hate a show
Are you working on the set or something?

then complain and say it sucks cause all they do is just talk the whole time.

Again...why does it even matter?

You're not going to change anyone's mind by saying you think it's a great show or you don't find their complaints valid enough.

Enjoy the show and stay out of threads that say it sucks.

Problem solved. 


honestly i'm coming off more angrier than I really am. Im more so bugged that no one really has any points about why this show sucks. I like it when people can debate over shows and how and why it may or may not be good but all the message boards on this show are the same " I don't get why this show is soo slow and boring, this *beep* sucks" and thats whats bugs me. hate the show but have a point, also if this wasn't you type of show to go into than why complain. but I guess I'm just complaining away too.


but I guess I'm just complaining away too



I gave it 1 star because IMDB forces me to give at least one.
My REAL rating for this hot steamy big pile of horse crap is 0.

If you don’t like what I wrote please simply press ALT + F4!


I love it honestly. Its funny and honest and fantastic.


I loved both seasons. You have to dig a bit deeper to get what they are conveying. Thats why its so good.


I can repeat what I already said about why i don't like the show. The characters lack soul. Real people are animated. This just seems to me like it's trying to hard. The dumb brother in the beer episode was animated, but ridiculously so.

It's not breaking ground, it's just copying Kevin Smith. I'd rather watch Clerks.

It is successfully pretentious though.


I can totally respect the fact that this show isn't your cup of tea but comparing it to Kevin Smith's work is an insult to both. They are trying to achieve two entirely different things. To equate one to the other is saying that neither one succeeded in what they were trying to do. I love Kevin Smith's stuff. I own everything he's ever done and have been to 2 of his Q&As. I would certainly rather rewatch Clerks or Chasing Amy than rewatch the entire season of Easy repeatedly but that doesn't mean it is without merit or that I didn't enjoy it as the unique creative venture that it is. It's vignette series that explores different facets of modern relationships. Some stories are good. Some not so much but it's definitely interesting and worth watching. I'd say it's much closer in tone to the character study work of Richard Linklater than anything by Smith.


I wasn't trying to compare this to kevin smith, I was talking about people who only like big blockbuster action films that than watch an indie film and call it *beep* cause they didn't get it or it was too slow/boring for them. I was only using Kevin smith's clerks as an example.


Why is IMDB filled with twaats like you who, if someone ever dares to say a show is boring then they must be morons that can only be entertained by Transformers and nothing else? You're a *beep* hypocrite. You try and say, "geez, if you don't like it, it's just not your thing!" and then continue on to (try to) insult them with the Transformers reference. At least be smart enough to be consistent in your views, ffs. Either people who don't like shows you like are too stupid to understand them or they simply have different tastes and it has nothing to do with intelligence. Which is it?

Also, why the *beep* does anyone have to go into detail about exactly WHAT is boring? It's boring, period. By definition, boring is what fails to keep someone interested. End of story. Do you ask people "why" they like chocolate cake? "What is it about the chocolate that you like or don't like?" Idiot. If I get a good feeling when it hits my taste buds, I like it, if not then I don't. End of *beep* story dumbass.

As for what makes this crappy series boring, maybe it's having to listen to the inane minutia of everyday conversations. You could literally sit on a park bench and listen to the couple sitting next to you and you would have this TV show live.

But maybe, just maybe, if you find the kind of dialog that you can otherwise find by literally stepping outside of your home any day of the week fun to watch, if that stimulates your brain and you perceive it as "interesting", then maybe it's not those entertained by Transformers that are morons. It's you. Or perhaps you don't leave your house often enough.

Now stop insulting people just because they don't like the same thing as you and try to get a real life worth living.


you talk like a stupid fat man.


I can't comment on everyone's hate for this, but your comment is precisely why I was disappointed with this series (although I actually found this more redeeming that the rest of Swanberg's films). I liked Clerks when it came out, I loved Slacker and generally was a fan of all the 90s indie navel gazing narcissism.
But it's 2016 and I feel like Swanberg is presenting this like someone who just heard the Velvet Underground and needs to let you know that this thing exists. I know it does. The upside is that I've gone back and rewatched Metropolitan and Barcelona because I feel like all of Swanberg's "deep" characters are basically the ones Stillman wrote portrayed by Chris Eigeman. Similarly, his work has such a narrow character focus. Sure, he tries to mix it up by casting a few token people of color, even doing one episode in Spanish, but the context is lily white. Same with the relationships he portrays. You've seen it a million times in exactly the same way. Oh, this one has a sheen of millenial cultural context but the general archetypes are there without any new perspective. Self doubt, anxiety, reservation, etc. The one with Maron could've been interesting discussing the role reversal of the usual dichotomy on sexual consent, but that was a silent audience montage and the only thing we really saw was an old man yelling at kids who are all obsessed with their phones--documenting themselves and all that around them. Even that looked more like "get of my lawn" than weighing in on selfie-culture.
It's got no point and the characters are too general and bland to really care about even with us as voyeurs. They are superficial and parse their openness in a manner that is still a presentation.
If this is your gateway into non-traditional film and art, then I'm seriously glad for you. We all come to things at different times. I've just seen this way too much before to really care. Nope.


you sir are a man with an opinion... I like that, you don't like it and gave reasons. it doesn't matter to me if you like this type of indie films but the fact you don't out right hate them before you watch something like this shows you chose to watch this cause its in your wheel house but to you they failed in the following ways as you listed in your comment.


thanks, I'm not above just dumping on things but it's never really a good thing. I appreciated that this was close enough to me that I felt compelled to consider why I hung higher hopes on it. This is still someone's thoughtful piece that they were able to craft into television entertainment, it's worthy of being considerate to that endeavor.


To answer your question in the subject line: It's probably because people who don't like something are more likely to post than those who do like it.

If you look at the votes, the number of people who have voted (even though still low) greatly exceeds the number who have posted, and the most common vote is 8/10. So it's likely that most of those who liked it haven't bothered to post. This is quite common on IMDb and indeed elsewhere. The "haters" tend to be more "vocal" than the "lovers".

FWIW, I've only seen the first episode so far, but will probably keep watching for a while at least, as it has several actresses I like.


I'm on episode 3, and I'm loving this show. Different stories and characters every episode. I love indie movies and so I really like the feel of this show. It's probably boring to most, maybe because they're wanting action or some over the top drama. But for me personally, I love simple stories about real people with real problems and real life experiences.


Right? Thank you lol

I thought it was a good series. There were probably like two in there that I thought weren't that great at all. But a lot of the other ones I found myself literally laughing out loud. I'm not one of those who are humored easily, I just thought they were worth laughing for.

Cliche, sure. But yeah of course realistic.


It's an anthology series about relationships - all shapes and sizes. It has some problems but it's trying to be smart and realistic. I think some of the complaining about the acting is that much of it is improvised. Also the show feel very much like a 90's Indie Movie to me and ,I might add, improve acting was very popular back then. Its not an action movie, science fiction movie, Marvel Comics movie or horror movie. There isn't much interest in producing this type of material anymore so ,despite the flaws, I say kudos to Netflix for taking a chance.
