Color me prude or whatever, this show is superficial and pretentious. Yeah, as if people aren't self absorbed enough already, let's celebrate and try to legitimize it. Nothing warm or charming about any of these people. No substance. Mel from Frasier was the only cool occurrence but her character is a bumbling loser.
I agree with. I just finished the show, and I have to say, it was a very cringe-worthy experience. I mean, the pretentiousness and story-lines are just bad... The characters are bland, but some scenes and a few episodes weren't bad. I think it deserves it's current rating, definitely won't go any higher, might even go a bit lower.
totally disagree. Loved season 2 better than 1. How about the girl who found babysitting a way to fill the void since her boyfriend dumped her? How about the gay couple who met at a concert and their evolution in their own relationship? There will be a season 3. It was announced. Because its a unique and different kind of show. I heard the dialogue was improvised. So glad its coming back.
I agree, with you. Can filmmakers make a program without throwing sex in. Yes we all do it. Showing us people having sex does not make me feel people love each other. It just make me want to turn off the tv and go have sex.