MovieChat Forums > APB (2017) Discussion > Too bad we won't be able to discuss this...

Too bad we won't be able to discuss this great show.

All the voices will be silenced.


I know right. This is going to be a pretty nice show.

I went on IMDb facebook page and found a post for this show and now asking a bunch of stuff there, but I do not know if anyone will respond.



They could have partnered with a third party forum system, who would have been happy to serve a few million extra ads in exchange for a reputation based posting system, they could have beefed up their own moderation system and dealt with the perceived problem (there definitely WAS a problem, drowned out by the useful, friendly and entertaining posts), but instead they're killing it.


sucks I know


Fans have created a few new subreddits (boards on Reddit) about the show.
Here are three that I've found:


I refuse to go to reddit for any reason





Besides I want to discuss a bunch of different shows.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


Trying to navigate Reddit hurts my brain.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


IMDB is so convenient to look at all the shows I watch. On the TURN board someone suggested starting a facebook page to discuss that show. That would be ok if I only watched one show. Someone else suggested REDDIT. But I agree, it hurts my head. I'm not smart enough for that.
Has anyone signed any of the petitions to keep the boards? Do those ever work?
I usually don't post. I just like reading other peoples thoughts. But since the decision to end the boards I have posted more than I have over the past 15 years.


Everyone should sign the petition. It won't work, but it will help as evidence to show there were people who cared to keep the boards.

The reason the boards are being annihilated is because the owner is being paid off by the Copyright Corps to censor talk so nobody can speak up against them for their unethical fascist practices. They just want to silence everyone.


pretty sure the boards get closed down because the last few years it's full of trolls and nothing constructive is being posted anymore.


That's what they want you to think.


I have never dealt with the trolls.....

I really do not see a problem with them. Just skip over the crappy comments and keep reading.

I think we are taking to much interest in the trolls

It has to be about money.


So they're shutting down the boards because of fascism? Pretty sure it's about $$$$. In the end, everything is about the almighty dollar.

reply has a great message board go there

reply (TMDb) has reopened its forums for
all shows, movies, and people in its database.

Here's their APB page:
And here's their APB board:
    (currently empty, waiting for posts)

Recent posts from their other boards can be seen here:

Support discussions are here:


Yes, is the place to be for IMDB Messageboard replacements. It's really awesome. Has a message board for every movie, tv show, and actor. And it has every movie and TV show you can think of, just like IMDB.
