Walton Goggins, you're better than this crap!!!!!
Seriously? Could this be anymore of a cliche "gung-ho soldier, go go USA, Ooh Rah BULLS*#T??!! The acting is horrible, the story is blah. There is so much over acting, and just BAD acting, it's ridiculous. Especially by "Bear", and "Ortiz". Why is this crap on the history channel?? And the Vikings?? Seriously?? Remember when they used to have good show about history on history channel?? Like "In search of history", with Leonard nimoy. That was a dam good, haunting show. This show is just crap. And that scene with "Bear" and his wife, about having a new baby? Really? They're sitting there, discussing having another child, after losing their daughter Sarah the year before, and the conversation has all the emotion of an infomercial.