Don't get the hate,Solid Show so far(8.5/10)
i just watched all three episodes and i thought the show had a nice pace,likable characters ,good storyline and pretty edgy for what is allowed on basic cable.I'm a Huge Walton Goggins fan(The Shield) he was solid playing the mentally tortured broken ex seal with a drinking problem.Decent amount of action ,so why the hate???? Are snowflakes offended by muslims being portrayed as terrorists???? I know with this PC culture we live in nowadays.If you really like this show i recommend checking out Strike Back which is even more violent and action packed with plenty of nudity,sex, language for anybody who likes adult shows and ain't easily offended(no safe spaces will be available)
Again i don't care if for some reason it's not accurate enough for some people ,i like to be entertained and not bored to sleep...a few F bombs or hand getting chopped off doesn't bother me.History channel knows how to make some quality shows first vikings and now this . Solid 8.5 out of ten so far.