How did the Tick know were Arthur lives? One theory is that the Tick is a figment of Arthur’s imagination made into an independent corporeal being like Abbey from Misfits. This would be like Dr. John Watson imagining Sherlock Holmes into existence. (Jeremy Brett really should’ve gotten awards for being Sherlock Holmes.) This is suggested by a blue nightlight talking to Arthur in the Tick’s voice, although it could just be a dream instead of a childhood flashback. Creator Ben Edlund has directly called the Tick a parasite, so maybe this version has the power to psychically leech onto Arthur’s mind instead? Or perhaps there is no explanation because it’s a continuity error? The mystery of the Tick is going to be a big piece of Edlund’s proposed multi-year masterplan, but I’m not convinced we needed a massive reinterpretation of the Tick to begin with since a complicated backstory doesn’t subvert genre expectations. I’m fond of “The Luny Bin” where it reveals that instead of being a guy in a costume with an origin story, the Tick is simply the Tick. I’d be delighted if that was what these possible red herrings were leading up to, but I imagine everybody else would feel cheated.
I'm almost clever!