Enjoyable but...

...I wish they would do a better job of selling the hokum. I get it - gullible fools send money to all sorts of hucksters. But how is this scam any different than say, Televangelists?

Tries to be a cross between Sopranos and X-files, but not as well written. I can sell the hokum better than these writers.

ie: What is reality?

Is it only what we perceive with our sense?
Dr Nora started down the right approach - the many worlds interpretation of zero point quantum theory speculates how many possible realities? But then they just dropped it.

Could it be that what we call ESP is the awareness of another plane of existence beyond our limited senses?

Or when you dream something and then it comes true - could it just be our brains making possible hypothesis that then seem like deja vu?

Anyway, so they're not Fox Mulder and they don't have the great writers of the X-files - "What is consciousness? Aren't we all just electrical and chemical impulses moving through a bag of meat and bones?" - (Kill Switch, X-files)

But I give A for effort on this show. It has some funny moments, the Tony Soprano guy isn't very believable right down to the lisp, but Fozo is hilarious.

Commendable effort and worth a watch if you're bored one night and feel like binging something.
