I am romani gypsy and these are my thoughts on the show
I am a Romani Kaldarash gypsy and I found this show very amusing, I just finished watching the finale and I can't wait to see what's next but, part of me didn't like how romani were portrayed as these villainous characters, who commit murder, rob people and treat outsiders like garbage.
The machawaya tribe are American gypsies and we look down on them, because we don't consider them real gypsies and they really do have the scamming people thing down to a science. We are not perfect either but we have morals. We respect outsiders "gadje" and we are very welcoming, if we are shown respect back.
My family are very religious and don't like messing around with spells or tarot cards because we believe That it isn't good. We are also very superstitious and some of us do have psychic abilities but mostly have to do with dreams. The whole "gypsy curse" thing is alive and well, Rom mostly curse eachother though lol. Alot of bad blood in the family and it ain't pretty. I've heard stories of what would happen and it is pretty creepy.
Kaldarash have dabbled in fortune telling. My grandma did that many years ago for money. People would come in the middle of the night, begging to be read. The story of the nail is known by all gypsies, where God gave us the right to steal. Some believe, some don't. We are a huge mystery even to ourselves. We know very little of where we came from, but for the most part, we don't believe we came from India, like many people think. Our roots are deeply Russian.
I think that for the most part, we are who we are because of the way we have been treated throughout history. We are the most persecuted race in Europe. Many people don't know that many gypsies had died in the holocaust, including many of my ancestors. There was also a massive slaughter in a Serbian village, where Romani Men, woman and children were beheaded and thrown in a river. I can just go on and on. We are still discriminated against til this day. The cycle of persecution does not end for us.
It would be nice for once if we were portrayed from our perspective, to show people that yeah we still exist and we're not all bad and there is a reason for why we are the way we are.
I'll be open to any questions