One Halloween Special, Two Networks
The entire first season of Paranormal Lockdown aired on Destination America. Now the 2-hour Halloween special coming up on 2016-10-31 (Monday) is airing on Destination America (8pm) and TLC (6pm). Looking at both network schedules suggests that TLC will air the "normal" version and Destination America will air the "unlocked" version (I guess that means 2-hours of annoying thought bubbles popping up on the screen or worse, viewer Twitter comments <shudder>).
TLC doesn't list Paranormal Lockdown as a regular show and the preceding marathon of the first season, as well as the Halloween special are all tagged as "Premiere". According to this July Discovery Communications press release:
At that time the Halloween special was originally scheduled to air on 2015-10-28 (Friday) and only on Destination America. However, later press releases suggest that changed, in part, to promote Kindred Spirits on TLC.
I know that Destination America and TLC are sister-stations, but they are making this more complicated then it needs to be. Since Paranormal Lockdown airs on Destination America, I would have thought they would aired the "normal" version, leaving the "unlocked" version to air at a later time, if at all, on TLC. Had it worked out that way, then people with existing DVR timers would be less likely to miss the Halloween special.