MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Lockdown (2016) Discussion > I wish Katrina could complete a full sen...

I wish Katrina could complete a full sentence

She pauses in the middle of every sentence. It gets on my nerves.


Seems to me like she doesn't always know what to say and is taking her cues from Nick.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


I think both of us would like a dollar for every time she asks "Nikki", 'Are you okay?' She's so maternal... (eye roll ;)


It's part of her sex appeal, along with the curves and her eyes, but I do agree it gets a bit much. Nick has more experience in all of this then she does, she shouldn't be so concerned for him.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


Yeah, I only noticed that a few weeks ago, but I agree with you. When she's not finishing her sentences, she's mumbling, and asking "Know what I mean?" She's not good at expressing herself at all. She's a lot of work.

But I wish Nick would give her back her vagina. He needs to (didn't think I'd wish that on anyone) hang with Zak, or get a prescription for testosterone. I HAVE to think the drama is forced. They get paid a TON of $$$$, so acting so cowardly probably isn't anything to them. People do a lot worse for a lot less. Still, give me a break. The paranormal world doesn't need another Terribly Afraid Plumbers Shaking group.


To me the fear level of the people in these shows is what makes them appear so fake to me and what led me to stop watching GV and PL, I never watched GH as I saw one episode and it bored me.

They have been doing it for so long and they are still freaking out like first timers, it just doesn't add up.

The PL episode that cracked me up was the one in Season 1 where they are outside at night and hear wolves, Nick freaks out and they head back to the house - With Nick in the lead!

I'd prefer less drama and more history of the place and actual investigation, but I guess they come up with very little real evidence which is why we get the ham fests we do.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


Oh, yeah, I remember that. He was OUTTA THERE! Katrina was lucky the coyotes/wolves, wuddevah, didn't attack because he would've used her as a human shield. But, if you're so over-the-top reactive with noises, a potentially real threat must be a mind-blower. How embarrassing was he in that crawl space (Monroe Demon House?)? "MY FEET! IT'S TOUCHING MY FEEEEET!"

"NICK, ARE YOU OKAY?" ( x15 )

I've concluded this, these shows, are the pro wrestling of the paranormal. Just as you wrote, they've been doing this for a long time; yet, when they hear noises, they act so melodramatically, like their life's in danger.

Aaron on GA has gotten really over-the-top. ( "OH MY GOD! DUDE! DUDE, DID YOU HEAR THAT?! OH MY GOD!!!" ) They're definitely full of "sheet".

Dead Files is my fav. I don't care if Amy makes up everything. She's at least entertaining, and doesn't act like she's afraid of her own shadow.

It's supposed to be back in February. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ;=9)B


Nick always talks about what he's "feeling". His 'feelings" do not convey anything to an audience. Katrina is worthless. There's no use of 'trigger' objects which is useful. Anyone brought in from Ghost Hunters or Para. State is a phony! There's little or no background given on the locations or interviews with any real people who know the location.
Plus the 72 lock down...who's really present there? If Rob's there..give him a part but I feel there's more than those 3. Plus we never know when Rob comes and goes. I'm trying to like the show...because I personally like(d) Nick. It's just NOT compelling or really original.

I know many hate Zak...and his ego...BUT a show needs that. Think Jeremy from Top Gear..big ego but he ties the show does Zak. I actually like the 1st 30 min of GA..the history and interviews are fascinating. Zak has a great way with words...(Nick's best is "oh wow") Plus they maintain a sense of humor. Always trying some new technique or equipment keeps the show fresh...13 seasons of GA...doing something right!


Yes, speaking of that 72 hr lockdown. The last time I watched, I think it was the Monroe (?) ep., and you know how they do "12 hour", or "hour 17", how ever they post it on the screen -- the hour countdown! Well, I noticed they woke up "after a very tough night" -- oy vey -- and they put the hour count on screen, then Katrina said something like "I feel gross, I've got to de-gross", like she's going to shower, then the next scene shows both of them NINE hours later. Now I understand they're not going to be doing anything interesting for the entire 72 hours; if they can get enough for 48 minutes of footage they're lucky. But, you know they didn't stay there. They headed to a really nice hotel, took a shower, napped, had a nice dinner, etc.

That's nit-picking, but funk 'em.

And, yes, I think you're right, Zak does it very well (cringe). He deserves a fleet of Lamborghinis. Not really, but he plays this genre better than anyone else. HAPPY NEW YEAR! ;9)B
