Germany wanted to use Helium, but they didn't have any; tried to buy some from the Allies, but they refused. So, they used Hydrogen, with the well-documented results.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!
Agree. I think "extract" or "drill" would be better words than "mine".
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!
There's actually plentiful helium in the air. Since it doesn't react with anything and is too hard to chill to liquid form, it's almost impossible to extract from the atmosphere. The person who figures out how to do it practically will become a multi-billionaire overnight.
Germany wanted to use Helium, but they didn't have any; tried to buy some from the Allies, but they refused. So, they used Hydrogen, with the well-documented results.
Is this really "little known" at this point? That's sad. This has always been one of the most well-known facts about the event.
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Is this really "little known" at this point? That's sad.
Very sad. The current state of the educational system in this country is sad, and dangerous to the future of our economy. The children from other countries will be gobbling up all the high-paying jobs here, while our kids will be asking that eternal question: "You want fries with that?"
Just look at level of literacy on these boards -- it's awful. A huge percentage of American kids today can't identify "Europe" on a globe, never mind individual countries.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!
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