Two way street

Where is the show about a man joining a women's team?
Or a women's school/collage forced to accept men?
or a man joining a female dominated field like social work or lower level teaching or nursing and all the obstacles he faces?
Hell, where are rom-coms and erotica(NOT PORN) designed for men where, for once, it is not the woman with at minimum 2 guys after her?

The closest things I have seen to this was an old Disney movie about a baseball playing boy who wanted to be a chef while a cheerleader wanted to play baseball. This was early 2000s or late 90s
And one episode of Parks and Rec where a boy joins the Leslie's girl scouts. This is at least 3 yeas old.

Today's media just makes me despise women, more than anything else because they seem to hate men or make it look like all women hate men so I hate them back.
Female leads existed for a long time and they have never been as hateful of men as now and I never had a problem with them until now.
