MovieChat Forums > Death Race 2050 (2017) Discussion > What happened to the great Roger Corman?

What happened to the great Roger Corman?

Have been a fan of his since seeing Attack of the Giant Crabs as a kid. I have an original poster of "The Day the world ended" his first Sci-Fi flick. This man has worked with Vincent Price, quite often and Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre

Lately all I saw was his name on those stupid shark movies, you know which ones. I noticed he had cameo roles in these. But this genius of DeathRace 2000 and others seems to have sourced out his movies and scripting to others. Not that he did not direct any dudes, but even those were forgivable compared to what he has done over the past 35 years. Its really sad for fans of his films.


"What happened" is old age. Roger Corman is gonna be 91 years old in 2017. Hasn't he earned the right to let others do the heavy lifting?

I doubt he had much to do with the day-to-day makings of this film (or any of the Sharknado wanna-bee's his company cranks out for the SyFy network).

...but when you're the boss you still get to put your name above the title of everything your company puts out.

Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my movie/music blog!


Corman didn't write the script (then again, neither did he have script credits in the original DR2K).

I think the new script/screenwriters aren't of the same caliber of old. Also, they aimed for a re-hash instead of a "what happened next" deal.
