Just watched and...

Idk wtf did i watch..
Slow af Just my opinion
im a huge fan of christian bale and was expecting a lot but it failed to please the audience there.
Although bale was good as usual but still they could do better with the writing..
gonna rate as 5/10

Let me know if it's me who didn't like it


Good or bad I cannot tell because your thoughts are incoherent and you write like a 5 year old.


I just gave my opinion so better take it or leave it other than judging people on their way of writing lol


Any chances of it getting an Oscars nomination, in any department?


I don’t think it will get any Oscar noms unfortunately but I thunk it deserves recognition for cinematography and Rosemand Pike’s role (best supporting actress).


Shame. I had hopes that it was going to be a strong awards season contender. Or that at least it would land Bale some nominations. But apparently, it's not that great of a movie.


Greatness is in the eye of the beholder no? The Academy has a history of missing countless great films and performances.


I agree with your rating of 5/10. While the movie started great and the Western "road movie" plot was full of potential, some elements were too contrived/unlikely (e.g. the whole fur trapper episode) or heavy-handed (e.g. Sgt. Metz' eye-rolling apology to the Chief in the rain) and the film just wallowed in its unrelenting glumness. Still, there was some good in it. It's just that after first act, I thought I was in for a great movie.


I think we all need to just calm down a little, put down the cell phones and just settle in for a nice long vacation within a film, you know?
The cinematography in westerns, the ambiance of the outdoors, the campfires at night and the beautiful rolling tundra during the day. The pacing was right on par with what I want out of a western, the kind of pacing that allows you to go away for awhile, inhabit this world for a bit, slow down to its pace and bask in the atmosphere. Let yourself be drawn into the movie.

Its exactly like a meth addict suddenly deciding he wants to play with his sleeping cat. You don't run over and start batting around your sleeping cat, no...you've got to wake it up first, get it in the mood...you've got to turn your meth-addled mind to the frequency of the cat, see...get on its level first and figure out a way in which you'll end up meeting in the middle.

You can't go into this movie jacked up on leftover Facebook frenzy, you've got to slow down some...settle down and tune in.

Unless its the new Blade Runner, because holy hell that show was boring.


Well stated sir!
I concur, including Bladerunner


Blade Runner was very slow as well. But the amazing visuals made it go by so fast. Hostile's landscapes aren't interesting enough to make up for the pacing.


Really? Just saw it and liked it, gave it an 8/10 rating. The New World is a lot slower than this bit I also liked that tbh.
