MovieChat Forums > Kevin Can Wait (2016) Discussion > Guest Stars you want to See?

Guest Stars you want to See?

Who are some guest stars you would like to see on Kevin Can Wait?

It's been announced that Ray Romano will guest star in an episode, which I think it great. I also think it would be great if they staged a mini Everybody Loves Raymond reunion with Romano, Patricia Heaton and Brad Garrett appearing on an episode together. Additionally, I would like to see all the King of Queens cast members appear on the show at some point. I also think it would be cool if Adam Sandler made a guest appearance.


Leah remini


I don't want to any gimmicky KOQ castings until it is far more established and even then I am not overly keen.

I think the show needs to stand on its on two feet. It already doesn't help that people will make the connection with KOQ purely based on James alone, others will point to the fat guy, hot wife trope in both and of course James/the powers that be have already cast one ex KOQ alumni by allowing Valentine to get a free ride again.

He is really the weak link so far. His scenes have been largely pointless and unfunny.
