MovieChat Forums > Kevin Can Wait (2016) Discussion > Can't connect with Kevin's friends

Can't connect with Kevin's friends

I as a viewer just can't connect with them. And Gary Valentine, who was great in KOQ, is just forced humor.


Gary Valentine wasn't great in The King of Queens.

Far from it.

He merely fell bass-ackwards into a good role, good writing, a good story-line, good co-workers (actors), and so forth.

The show worked despite him, not because of him.

Do you notice that Valentine always plays the same character, no matter what role or what project he is in?

(Similar to his brother Kevin, in fact.)


I think Gary Valentine was quite good in KOQ. He and Patton Oswalt had the perfect chemistry and were ideal supporting characters ... many of their scenes together were classics.

The pilot episode of KCW didn't grab me, but maybe I should give it another chance. Still, it's a daunting task to assemble a cast as brilliant as that of KOQ.


Yes, the character and the writing were great. Patton Oswalt was excellent.

Valentine himself added little, if anything.


Oswalt was ok but far far from excellent. And his stand up "comedy" is painful to endure.


I think Oswalt did great in The King of Queens.

He "carried" the relationship/humor in the Spence/Danny story-lines.

I never saw his stand-up comedy.

It's that bad?


Valentine is superfluous to this show. All his scenes so far could have been cut and no difference would have been made.


I agrees. The friends on here suck. Not funny at all. I miss patton oswalt. The rest of the cast on this show sucks. I loved arthur on king of queens. This show is decent but its no king of queens


I don't like the tall one with the beard, I think his name is Mott.

The one with the thick New York accent, Duffy, I believe, I quite like. I also like the black guy whose name I can't recall right now. It would be easy to make the lazy comparison with Deacon (being the black friend), somehow he manages to remind me of Deacon in the sense that he seems the most sensible one, yet is still different enough from Deacon that he isn't a direct copy.


Duffy is great. I like that guy in everything he does. The problem is him and the big guy with the beard are basically the same character. They look the same, talk the same, one just has a beard. The other guys are okay. I like Valentine fine, but his character is pretty meh so far. There's definitely something off with the friend crew, just like on early KoQ with Richie. They'll work that out eventually.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
