How old is Arthur?
In "Peddle to the Meddle" April 16, 2018 Arthur has to take a driving test to get his license back because he is over 75, and the year is stated to be 2018. So if his 75th birthday was in 2018 he would be born in 1943. (Oops I accidentally wrote 1843 here which would make him really old)
So he was born in 1943 or earlier and is 75 or older.
He could be much older than 75. Once joke has him say that he and his wife visited every state (except Oregon, Maine, and Alabama) in an effort to visit "all 48 states".
Hawaii became the 50th state on August 21, 1959, and Alaska became the 49th state on January 3, 1959. So either Arthur is 59 years behind the times, or else he knows there are now 50 states but he and his wife took all their trips before 1959.
Of course it is legal in some places for young teenagers to get married, and probably more so over 60 years ago, but Arthur was probably an adult when he got married, meaning he was probably born in the 1930s or earlier. and thus might now be 78 to 88. And they could have taken 5 or 10 years to visit 45 states.
Thus Arthur could have been as old as 30 to 40 in 1959, and thus born about 1919 to 1929, and thus aged 89 to 99 in 2018.