The abused neighbor...

Did anyone else notice that the neighbor that was always arguing with her boyfriend was first heard arguing with him through the wall, then he goes downstairs to talk to her, and then, in a later episode, he steps outside and she is in the apartment above theirs? Is that a glaring continuity error or am I just tripping?


Yeah. She disappeared for a couple of episodes but came back to give Drew the taser. I had totally forgotten the character by then. Who was this person doing sexy dances while wearing Dory's shirt?


Nope, you're not tripping, or if you are I am too. I noticed that he went downstairs to talk to her, but then later her apartment was upstairs, and somewhere in the series she was mentioned as being in the apartment above theirs. I wondered about that too.


Continuity error, but maybe was just simpler to frame the shot of him backing upstairs than having him to go downstairs correctly


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. Stuff like that catches my eye and then bugs me for the rest of the series. It's an awesome and well thought out show except for that one continuity error.


When they hear the first fight, Dory looks up and even points up when they hear it, so it's implied the fight is coming from upstairs. But later in the episode, when Drew goes to talk to the neighbor, it's clear he's on the ground floor (you can see the front entrance in the background), and then tells her that if she ever needs a safe place that she could come upstairs to his and Dory's apartment. And then he flees her tirade going UP the stairs.


That neighbor is crazy. I don't think she was abused, she was probably the abuser in that relationship.
