Watched it
-Not as good as 5, 6,7 or 8
-Cena was okay as Jakob,has some good moments, but I just felt that his chemistry with Diesel was non-existent, he wouldn't have been my first choice for a new co-star for Diesel, and if were to choose then maybe Chris Hemsworth (but as a different character) however Finn Cole did a better job as young Jakob.
-Didn't mind the way they handled Han's survival
-The flashbacks of Dom and Jakob's story was the more interesting part of the film
-Nice to see Sean, Earl and Twinkie back, great for Sean to have more scenes
-WTF was Cardi B doing there.
-Way too many supporting characters, and I felt that some of them were just for fan service like Stasiak, young Vince and Jesse, etc.
-the story of Mr. Nobody's disappearance was interesting, so I guess that it will be a theme for 10 and 11
-The post credits scene got me excited for 10
-Shame that Hobbs didn't get a mention
-Good to see Ramsey getting more to do, escpecially during the Edinburgh sequence
-The space scene was quite funny
-Cipher's appearance was a bit off, just spending most of the movie taunting Jakob and Otto (prick).
-Some of the stunts were unrealistic.
-Kinda wish Otto's mercenaries were Eteon so it could have tied to "Hobbs & Shaw"
Overall, it's not the best Fast movie, but it's not the worst, but hopefully they'll better with 10. I like Cena but he wouldn't be the first person I would choose for Vin's co-star, it might have been an excuse to add another wrestler besides The Rock.