thoughts on Chic

Well obviously he was an impostor, saw that from the get-go. This show likes to drag things out for as long as possible for dramatic effect. Having him be an impostor allows the storyline to continue and still have twists and turns.

I feel kind of like Chic and Charles were a couple. I don't get a gay vibe from Chic so much as I don't get a straight vibe. Which is neither here nor there really but I feel like if you argue as much as their neighbor made it sound, you're staying for a reason, and not just because you're poor. You don't put up with that from a roommate as quick as you will from a significant other. At least that's been the case for me. I feel like the Black Hood demanding Chic may have been a ploy to get him out safely. Rule of thumb, you don't see the death on-screen, assume it didn't happen.

Also, one episode about a month ago, a friend and I made a drinking game, a shot for each time Betty said Chic's name. We learned a lesson, don't trifle with her.
