Question about possessions
So, "Christians" want us to believe that invisible, magical entities can possess humans and make them do all sorts of stuff they would never otherwise do. OK. Seems ridiculous to anyone with a brain, but let's say it really does happen, just for the sake of argument.
I've seen a lot of these movies, read a few of the books. In every one, they use prayers and passages from the Bible to cast out the demon. That would make sense if the demons are Christian (specifically Catholic) demons, but not so much if the demons are some other religion, like maybe a Native American demon.
What I'm having trouble understanding is the part where the exorcists have to recite the same words over and over. They tell the demon to get out hundreds of times, sometimes. "The power of Christ compels you," and so forth. Over and over and over.
If calling on God or Jesus the first time isn't enough to get the job done, then doesn't that mean that it won't be strong enough to get the job done the 600th time? Why is it that these things get repeated 599 times with no success, but then one more time does the job? Are the priests actually just annoying the demon so much that it eventually leaves of its own free will, with God having played no part in it?
Just trying to understand the logic of all this. "Christians" are great at coming up with excuses as to why things happen, so I'd like to hear some apologetics-type explanations for this.