I usually watch one or two episodes of each new show that comes on TV. I had low expectations of "The Exorcist", but the first episode was actually pretty good. Good enough for me to watch at least one more episode. I kind of doubt if it can sustain itself, though. Trying to stretch this plot into a whole season (or more) is going to prove difficult. I expect it to fizzle out rather quickly. We'll see.
Yeah, but I still don't think it will have legs. They can't just keep going with this same plot for an entire season. They will run out of ways to keep it fresh. Maybe I'm wrong, but non-episodic shows need to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The ones that drag the same story on endlessly tend to devolve into bad writing quickly.
Well they are telling the story of the Rance family in season 1, and then this story will be over... Season 2 would have a new main conflict. You're assuming a lot based on one episode and we have no idea what twists they'll throw our way. Plus the season will be about 10 episodes long, which seems perfectly suitable to me.
"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."
I didn't realize that there would be a different story for each season (assuming the series is renewed). This is what I prefer - shows that have a complete story line done in a limited number of episodes, instead of being dragged out endlessly. A full, typical 22-episode season would likely be too long.
This give me more hope for the series. I'm more likely to stick with it knowing that this particular plot will come to a conclusion within a limited number of episodes. There seems to be a trend starting for these kinds of shows; I like that.
Me too, which is why I don't understand why its on Friday. Friday is known to be a killer night of tv shows. When they put a previously successful show on this night, means its about to be canceled. Why does a show of this high caliber start on Friday? As a rest? Should move to Monday or Tuesday night now.
I just watched the first episode last night, and I'm very pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. I've absolutely hated all of the sequels, prequels and rip-offs of The Exorcist, which is a film I truly admire. But this series has started off very well. I loved the moment when the priest finds a newspaper article about the exorcism in Georgetown. It's sort of like in Rupert Wyatt's Rise of the Planet of the Apes when we see a news headline that says "Lost in Space." Great stuff. Looking forward to more.