Liberals always play the race card as a scapegoat to prevent anyone from speaking out against their agenda, lest anyone who speaks out against their agenda be labelled as "racist
Oh,that's some bull**** and you know it. It's right-wingers who are always shoving their conservative agenda down everybody's damn throat, and acting like there is something wrong with anyone who dosen't automatically agree with whatever the hell agenda they claim everybody should believe in. And then these same right-wingers scream and call anyone who dosen't agree with their damn right-wing nut agenda a bunch of stupid-a** unpatriotic idiots, or SJWs (that's supposed to be the latest insult for liberals, since y'all can't come up with a more original term) or "pansy liberals" or "feminazis" or "libtards" or something else equally stupid as hell. Guess what? This is the United States of America---just as you have the right to disagree with us liberals, we have every damn right to disagree with some of you right-wingers. And how the hell is a movie with women is the lead automatically a "man-hating" movie? Honestly, do you know how stupid, sexist, just plain dumb and way the hell out-of-touch you sound? Typical (probably old-a**,or just young,fckg dumb,and racist) white male feeling threatened by the fact that the world is changing, and that everything dosen't revolve about white men anymore, and you can't fckg handle that. That's what makes me LMAO. Just shut up and get the fck over yourself---it is whatever the fck it is. Deal with it, or go crawl back into your damn cave and stay the hell there. You can also take that fake-as-hell, ignorant, "race-baiting" accusation (which is only coming from you fckg right-wing nuts anyway) and kindly shove it straight up your narrow-minded right-wing a**.
Also, the only "race-baiting" I see going on here is by these stupid-a** racist trolls like you who are so damn pissed off about the lead in 24:LEGACY being played by a black actor. The rest of us could give less than a fck about your stupid-a** racist whining about it---it's just really not even that big of an issue. We just want to kick back after the Superbowl, and see a damn good show (and it does look good) regardless of whoever the hell's in the lead. I hope it's a big hit and gets picked up as a new series just to piss all you racist whiners the fck off. Ha ha ha ha ha!