MovieChat Forums > 24: Legacy (2017) Discussion > Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down mes...

Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

They say things come in 3s, apparently stupid decisions as well


I read the explanation and I don't get it either.


Its money. Its cheaper to let everyone talk on facebook than the upkeep and moderation of their own forums.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


It's funny cause now they are taking the boards away I'll barely use this site. Good job IMDB lol


Only reason i'll use IMDb without message boards. Three years from now, "What's Martin Short doing these days?"

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Well to quote one of True Detective S2 best lines....We get the world we deserve.

This will be the only comment or reply you'll get. Like I give a sh!t about YOUR interwebz opinion.


They are pissed off at all the deplorables posting their support for Donald Trump is is thread which is using up all the bandwidth now that he is President.
