Not bad

So far, this has the possibility of being good. I'm not going to put it up there with the original series quite yet, though.

- Great action. The hand to hand combat in the construction site was awesome.
- Good lead. He has big shoes to fill, but Corey Hawkins seems to be doing alright so far.
- Great music. Sean Callery still knows how to write a good score.

- Rushed start. This would've been a great start to a second or third season, but we don't know these characters yet, so I can't quite connect with them yet.
- Teacher revealed too fast. I know it's probably not a big twist, but I feel like the reveal of the teacher working with the girl would have worked better closer to the end of the episode. Not a big thing on it's own, but I'm worried it could be a symptom of a bigger problem.

I'm hopeful for this. Might not reach season 5 or LAD levels of greatness, but could still be a good ride. Plus, we have Tony confirmed to come back, and I have fingers crossed for other characters to drop by too (Looking at you, Kiefer).
