Corey Hawkins/Jimmy Smits/Miranda Otto Bring Youth & Diversity to "24"
In contrast to the multitude of players and pimps on shows like "Empire" Corey Hawkins as Eric Carter is a solid character that any kid (black, brown, white or Asian) can look up to as a positive role model. He's the youngest guy to ever serve as a Squad Leader in the Army Rangers and led the successful mission to take out notorious Muslim terrorist leader Ibrahim Bin-Khalid. The 28-year-old Hawkins was effective as young Dr Dre in the blockbuster "Straight Outta Compton" and looks to add to his impressive credentials here.
Jimmy Smits plays John Donovan, a popular Hispanic Senator who is running for POTUS. Miranda Otto plays his wife Rebecca Ingram, savvy Director of CTU, now aspiring to be FLOTUS.
With the exception of Presidents Palmer (David Palmer in Seasons 2 and 3, Wayne Palmer in Season 6) the "24" franchise has never really explored the diversity angle much and it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Also adding to the mix is accomplished young Senegalese actress Anna Diop as Eric Carter's wife Nicole.
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