How can Kiefer support this TRASH?
He must be a studio plant or a Fox shill. /s
shareBecause it's win win for him. If the show is a success he continues to get paid while also having the opportunity to return to the franchise at a later date. If the show flops the reason given will be that there was no Jack Bauer, giving him more leverage when Fox inevitably try to get him back in the future. Plus he stills gets paid.
shareLocke_John's reply is the most logical comment!
shareOne of the main reason the show was cancelled in the first place was
because the ratings had fallen alot and Kiefer was paid a very high salary.
He then came back in the 12 part miniseries but with a pay cut.
I don't see how the show will ever get back to the highest ratings
peak of the past even if Kiefer gets back in the main role.
shareMaybe because he doesn't think it's trash.
shareHow do you know he does? His name isn't anywhere connected on this page in the PRO version. Not Exec Producer, not...anything. Unless he's using a pseudonym.
He was listed on the beginning credits as Executive Producer.
And to the OP, there's no reason why Kiefer wouldn't be involved in this. He apparently loved his experience on 24, and he's close with the Power That Be who brought the show back. He believes in the franchise.
Not so surprising that he wanted to be involved.
I was more likely he gets credit from a previous contractual agreement. Kinda like how Trump is a executive producer on the new apprentice even though he has nothing to do with it. Keifer has stated that he would never reprise the role of Jack Bauer again and i'm pretty sure he is done with the show besides getting his residuals and whatever else is owed to him.
shareContractual or not, Kiefer was EP in the original series, and since he is still connected with the people producing this one, he probably wanted to be involved. Just because he doesn't want to appear onscreen as Jack Bauer doesn't mean he doesn't want to be involved with the show.
sharefor the same reason that Nike pay millions to Michael Jordan
shareCompared to his new show "Designated Survivor" on ABC, the new "24" looks way better in capturing the spirit of the original "24". In "DS" he plays a limp-wristed liberal president-by-default and "Designated Survivor" makes Muslims look like the "victims."
Fans of the original "24" will be much more satisfied with "24:Legacy" than with Kiefer's new show. I've seen all 3 episodes so far and it pales in comparison to any of Sutherland's performances on "24". "Designated Survivor" is PC nonsense that casts him as a PC spineless weenie compared to the courageous, living-on-the-edge Jack Bauer that captivated American viewers for nearly a decade.
Yeah, because all Muslims are terrorists, right? Thankfully, most of us Americans aren't the kind of stupid ass bottomfeeder that you obviously are. Take your whining back to NAMBLA where you belong, troll.
share@ metaspheres
Muslims by definition are terrorists. They have no intention of assimilating with western culture and their Koran tells them that all non-believers must convert or die. Some are more radical than others... that's all. Anyone that reads and worships the Koran is your mortal enemy!
Thanks for making sense amigo. The Quran is a war manual with more text about hating and KILLING Jews than even Hitler's "Mein Kampf".
shareHow ironic that a pedophile would accuse someone else of being involved with a pedophile group like NAMBLA.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but MOST terrorists are Muslims in the 21st century: Orlando, San Bernardino, Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, Little Rock, Fort Hood, etc, etc, etc.
IDIOT--NOt all muslims are terrorist but ALL TERRORISTS R MUSLIM
Compared to his new show "Designated Survivor" on ABC, the new "24" looks way better in capturing the spirit of the original "24". In "DS" he plays a limp-wristed liberal president-by-default and "Designated Survivor" makes Muslims look like the "victims."
Oh,wow,so any lead male character on a show that dosen't act like some John Wayne/Jack Bauer type is some "limp-wristed PC weenie"? You are so full of it, it's sickening. No, it's not. Just because his new show dosen't play up to your twisted Hollywood macho man fantasies. It's a new day----that old macho an stereotype is played the fck out to some extent. Go watch some of the old John Wayne bull**** if you can't stand seeing something a bit more realistic than "24" was. Just for that stupid a** "limp-wristed" remark, I hope Bauer comes out as gay with a secret boyfriend he's gotta hide from the terrorists if he makes an appearance on this reboot, and that it screws your macho man daydreams the hell up----ha ha ha ha ha!
Bauer is amazing, I started watching survivor aswel, it's utterly predictable and mostly unejoyable for a fan of 24, doesn't even fill a void but it's better then nothing, still im glad they are still doing it, some better then none, the 12 part was epic hardcore bauer, so i have hope.
shareThis will be far better than that flaky "Designated Survivor" garbage that Kiefer lowered himself into doing. Sutherland's limp-wristed weenie character President Kirkman is a disgrace to the memory of Jack Bauer.
Dont be surprised if "DS" tanks after a few seasons and Kiefer comes back to a rejuvenated "24" after a hiatus of a few years.
The first episode of Legacy 24 had me on the edge of my seat. Looking forward to tomorrow's episode.
shareme too!
It may not be Jack, but it wasn't awful.
people seem to forget that the 2nd half of nearly every season of 24 (even the first season), would predictably take a nose-dive in quality.