The action seems different. More...realistic, I guess?
I mean I know shooting down a concrete pipe to act as a shield is Hollywood stuff, but I mean the shootout scenes at the construction site where it's not just like a hail of bullets lighting up everything around them while the characters themselves remain unscathed. You actually see them nearly getting struck and jumping out of the way. And the violence seems less superhero-like and more gritty/realistic. The geysers of blood that flew out of the one guy's mouth when he was struck by Carter, how heavy the blows looked, and how there was no music during the fight and impalement of that one guy.
They seem to be going for a more toned-down, realistic approach to the action and not portraying anyone (so far) like superheroes and not blasting intense action movie music throughout the entire thing. It makes it all feel more contemporary. I was surprised, and it's probably the best decision they made regarding this pilot.