MovieChat Forums > 24: Legacy (2017) Discussion > Tazing the person in your way

Tazing the person in your way

That was a Jack Bauer move for sure

Just a girl in the world


Lol Rebecca will be an interesting character.



Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I had a REAL problem with this move.

Sure, it's a Bauer move when something HAS to get done, when there are myriad lives at stake and no other way to get it done.

However, in this case... why did she need to taze him? She surely had enough clout to say "OK, I'm running an OP, and there's a reason I didn't let you know, but we need to see this through!" and take her lumps after. Only taze him IF he starts pulling the plug, after.

But to taze him is going to incur even more wrath. Unless she's 90% sure he's the traitor; which seems a bit of a stretch without solid evidence.

I just don't see any justification for it, in that circumstance.

Anyone else read it differently?


this is 24, he's not the mole. since it is 24, she is the mole herself, lol. seriously though, the guy is going to come around and be ok with the taze because something big is at stake, it's cool.


Yes, he probably will come around to her side, on this show... but the fact is that, in a more realistic view, it wasn't life-and-death that she needed to taze him. It's not that she KNEW people would DIE if her op were shut down, and he WAS going to shut her down, no matter what she said. No, in this case, there was only a concern, and she didn't even know she would be shut down; he only was going to shut her down because she was clearly lying about what she was doing on the system.

It was far-fetched, even for 24, especially for the opening episode.

Hail to the Cheeto!


I think she had to taser him because she had already left her position and was walking out the door when she got the call. She couldn't tell him the truth because he would have contacted others for verification.

Wossamotta U


She couldn't tell him the truth because he would have contacted others for verification.

But probably wouldn't have shut down the activities until doing so, by which time Eric would have made contact.

The mid-range ramifications seem much more drastic for having tazed a senior CTU official. Just telling the truth and taking her licks hardly seems to compare.

Also, as mentioned, while potentially an important pursuit, it wasn't life and death, yet, even.

Hail to the Cheeto!


Jack did the same thing to George Mason in the opening episode of 24 Season 1, this is what helped define the character, and now it also defines Rebecca.


That was a Jack Bauer move for sure

Or a Chloe move when she's being picked up in a hotel bar.


I felt it was a subtle homage to Jack tranquilizing George Mason in the first ever episode of 24

What Were They Keeping Out?
 The Great Wall 


I chuckled hard when she tazed him. So dumb and awesome.


It's 2017 and the writers are using a taser to sleep somebody. A taser can't let anyone unconscious, just paralized a person for a period of time. Why 24 keeps hiring lazy writers. They want this show to fail?
