MovieChat Forums > 24: Legacy (2017) Discussion > This show is bad. And it has NOTHING to ...

This show is bad. And it has NOTHING to do with race!

First, several disclaimers. One, the original 24 was an entertaining and groundbreaking show. Admittedly, that IS a tough act to follow. Two, The original 24 caused us to suspend disbelief at times. It had its eye rolling moments. I don't deny that one bit. Three, race has NOTHING to do with anything. I'm not talking about that and it is NOT a consideration in any way.

All that being said, two episodes in and I'm disappointed. The performances are very wooden-in particular, Jimmy Smits and yes, the lead, Corey Hawkins. No emotion. No passion. It's early but there seems to be no chemistry among the actors. The old 24 cast had chemistry and likability. They were patriots who were working in concert to thwart the bad guys. So far, I'm not feeling ANY of that with Legacy. Finally, they have really overplayed the "ridiculous factor", for lack of a better phrase. The hot redhead gives an innocent guy the stun gun and drags his unconscious body into a closet. While her husband is running for president. In the middle of a government building! It's not like there would be witnesses or surveillance cameras that would pick that up. More importantly, that's not a punishable offense or anything. Then there's the whole breaking into a police station and stealing a box full of hundred dollar bills. Getting in, getting access to the evidence room, getting past a couple dozen armed cops, getting out the door with it, THEN escaping the APB that would immediately be put out on you. Piece a cake. Good Lord. Seriously?

It's only been two episodes. I'll keep watching to see if they can turn the ship around. But so far, for the above mentioned reasons, I am unimpressed.


We're all rooting for you in your quest for fun.


100% agree.

The writing is awful.


Haha 24 lad was pretty good but besides that it hasn't been good since what season 3 so this is no surprise


Yeah yeah another ridiculous reply putting down the original 24 in order to bolster its lacklustre reboot with ridiculous fallacies.


They just repeat the old format with a new lead. If you have seen the old one, you have seen all. Why waste your time?


True blust but difference is those past seasons had characters we cared about like Jack and Chloe and Tony and Renee. I can't remember any new names from the first two episodes lol.
