MovieChat Forums > Beware the Slenderman (2018) Discussion > Morgan's morbidly obese father....

Morgan's morbidly obese father....

When they showed pictures of the two of them together, he looked like he was seriously 300-400 pounds.

Not exactly someone who looks like they could encourage their child to engage in physical activity, and wouldn't have a problem with them spending countless hours on the internet.

Also, he and his wife seemed to think all of Morgan's issues were "special" instead of looking into them deeper. Odd parents. Very odd.


Odd parents. Very odd.

Google them, this is the first link that comes up:

His screen name of deadboy420, email address using iloveevil...yeah, they're odd alright. They really should have included this stuff in the documentary. It would shed some light on Morgan's upbringing and influences.


It's really disgusting that the director intentionally left this out. I got very suspicious when the police found all of the weird drawings and messages in her room. I'm sure the folks saw all this, too. From the article you note, they probably encouraged it.

Why no mention of this about the parents in the documentary? Pathetic and biased.


Yep, he was about a biscuit away from a ton.


Christ people, y'all judging the *beep* out of this guy while he's suffering. As far as the username I agree it's kind of tacky but it's also just an Instagram name. As far as we know he hasn't done anything wrong himself, and was just a normal guy like you or me until tragedy struck, and now every mother *beep* on the planet is gonna google your internet history let's see what kind of silly/dumb *beep* they see.


So you think all of the pictures and messages about death in his daughter's room was normal, and that he and his wife shouldn't have looked into it at all?


that's not what i'm saying. these people are struggling as is and here you are calling them fat online.


I didn't call "them" fat. I was referring only to the father. And I didn't call him fat. I called him morbidly obese. This is a fact - he simply is.

Most people have a bit of a weight problem, but the point is if you are THAT overweight (like the father), you have serious issues within your life. One of them is a total disregard for health and any kind of physical activity.

Almost certainly this lifestyle was relayed to his daughter, who he was fine with doing nothing but spending all of her free time on the internet, drawing pictures and phrases about death, and then being too lazy to look into what was going on with her.

The man wasn't even that old. There is no excuse to look like that AND turn a blind eye to your own child's serious issues.



You have NO idea what you are talking about. Since apparently you've never been
overweight before.
I have, and I can tell you that man isn't even over 220 lbs.
When You have no muscle, you don't weigh much.
I woman that size would only be like 200. I've been 350 pounds at my highest,
but I also workout with weights and have a physical job that I'm on my feet
all day moving around without A/C.
I have friends that are almost exactly that guys size that have desk jobs
like that man obviously have, and they look much larger than me but weigh
about 100 pounds less due to having very little muscle.
Also it's obvious that the man has lost about 30-50 pounds since those pics were taken,
just look at his face.

As far as the the pictures or any of than stuff, I was into the same
things at her age, and I didn't become a killer. Obviously the girl
has mental problems.


When You have no muscle, you don't weigh much. Just no. LMAO.


Basically you didn't even read my post.
You're one of those a-hole trolls who either think they
know everything, or just want to cause trouble.

It's a scientific fact that muscle is more dense and thus weighs significantly more than
fat does. A man that is 230 pounds with 5 percent body fat will obviously will be
significantly smaller than a man that weighs 230 pounds but has 35 percent fat.
It's surprising how easily it is for most people are so off on peoples who are obese
actually weigh, especially people that have always been thin.
Then if you want to really get into it, there are A type fat cells and B type.(This is
an oversimplification, but is the basic concept). All people have type A fat cells, these
never leave the body, they either get larger or smaller. The type B fat cells are mostly
in women, but men also have them. B cells are also called 'baby fat'. Men that have more
or type A can look much larger, but the fat cells are not as dense are the type A, and
thus weigh less. I have alot of type B. They typically store in the lower regions, like
the buttocks and thighs. When I gain more body fat, my pant size goes up, way more than
what my actual weight on a scale does. For me, the difference in only 20 pounds, which
for most men just means the have a 'beer gut', I can go several pant sizes up.
This fat is also the hardest to lose, which is why women have such a hard time losing
weight over men. Fortunately being a man, when I cut back on the sugar and fat and get
back in the gym, along with a testosterone treatment(which a woman can't do without
growing some chest hair) I'l lose rapidly. Last time I lost 100 pounds in about 4 months.

Going back to the man in the documentary, he is almost the exact size of one of my parts
guys at work, the guy might have a little bigger gut. Anyway, my parts manager only
weighs around 200 pounds. Since he isn't active and sits in a chair all day, he has
very low muscle density, and thus is going to weigh much less than me.


Yes, I read your post.

You lost all credibility when you said "When You have no muscle, you don't weigh much." And you also said the guy has lost 30-50 pounds. Like you would have any idea of this. LMAO. Again, you lost all credibility.

Everyone knows muscle weighs more than fat. That's not a groundbreaking statement, so you can stop relying on it to attempt to incorrectly explain this guy is not obese.

People who are simply extremely overweight or obese due to extreme fat content are obese. That's just a fact. Deal with it.

A lot of fat on a person still weighs........a lot. No great mystery there. And can make you obese. Again, no great mystery. Regardless of how much muscle one has or doesn't have - if you have a prodigious amount of fat, you are going to be obese.

Anyone can look at the pictures of this guys and easily tell he is obese. You can't explain that away.

But you can keep saying ridiculous things like "When You have no muscle, you don't weigh much." Good Lord.


Listen $hit for brains, the only reason I even responded to your post was
due to your gross miscalculation the man's weight, period.
I could care less if you want to be an idiot on your on time.
But saying something so idiotic on a public forum, had to be corrected.

I already told you that the sentence that you keep repeating, like some
slobbering 5th grade bully, wasn't formatted correctly.

I'm not arguing with you about whether the man is obese or not, since it's
a matter of opinion. You said the man is 'morbidly' obese, which far from
the truth.

And as far as the man having lost weight, any idiot child can look a at the
man's face in the interview and the man's face in the older pictures and tell
the man has lost a tremendous amount of weight.

But the sentence "When You have no muscle, you don't as weigh much.", is correct.
2 men with the same basic build, that fit in the same clothes, but the one
man has less muscle that the other, is going to weigh less.


One only has to read your posts on this thread (some of them about your parts man?!?!?) to see how ridiculous your comments are and how upset you've become.

And LMAO at calling me the troll, yet you are the one so desperate that you've called me an a-hole, $hit for brains and an idiot. You have gotten so worked up about this and shown how stupid your comments are, that you have lost what little composure you had. And as I said before, you lost all credibility a long time ago with some of your comments.

Your desperation in being proven how utterly wrong you are has resulted in multiple name callings. It not only shows you have lost and therefore resorted to this, but that you are in fact, the troll.


No, this is just how I talk to anyone who is too
much of an a-hole to have a conversation without trying
belittle someone, which is exactly what you attempted
to do to me in your very first reply.
I post maybe a dozen or more messages a day,
and most of the time people are actually nice.

And as far a trying to say I'm work up, lol,
I'm not the one you keeps replying back.
In fact I know that you won't be able to not
get the last word.


I'm not the one you keeps replying back.

I created the thread! You are the one who first replied, genius! lol


I knew you would reply back, lol....

LMAO, your logic is so short sighted. You go one step ahead, and stop.
You're like the rainman picking up his toothpicks and slapping his ears.
Obviously I meant the first time you replied to my post. IDK if you're
actually stupid, or if you're just being a smartass. I'm sure it's the


Yet even more insults coming from you because you aren't smart enough to form a coherent reply. What a surprise.


Plenty of people have morbid interests but don't resort to murder, that's what the mother was saying, she liked Stephen King books as a teenager and thought her daughter was just the same. I liked Marilyn Manson and horror films etc but have never hurt a fly!


Thank you, a voice of reason! So much blame being put on these parents and The Daily Mail is a sensationalized rag. Tacky screen name, yes, but who cares? And half of those "gothic" images were just taken around Halloween time!

Her mother admitted that she knew her daughter was into creepy stories but so are most kids, so she didn't think twice. Who doesn't watch scary movies and tell ghost stories at that age? I know I was into creepy, morbid stuff as a kid. I was never a danger to others because I was mentally sound. The mother and father are clearly both upset that they didn't realize she was delusional.

People keep talking about how "off" the mother seemed but to me she just seemed absolutely shell-shocked that this happened. They took their giggling girls to the roller rink, they had a normal sleepover, and then a horror show broke out. It's so easy for people to point fingers and play armchair psychiatrist NOW. No one saw this coming, obviously.

And the police found those drawings in her room but no one said the room was plastered with it. If I were the parents of Bella, the girl who was stabbed, I would probably find it very hard to empathize with these families. I get that. But as an objective third party, I empathized with all of the families. How don't see how you couldn't.


A person can empathize with someone and still find fault in their actions, or lack of action, in this case.

Two truths can exist at the same time. Some people seem to have a very hard time understanding this.


IMDB message boards are the worst lol --- i dont have kids but damn this was making me worry for parents these days.


Worry for parents? Many parents suck in today's world.



until tragedy struck

then a horror show broke out

Seems like the sympathizers can't even admit what these girls did. This was not an accident or spur of the moment, it was a brutal, premeditated stabbing with the admitted attempt to end the life of a child. If you can't see it for what it is, you are lying to yourself.


Excellent points!


They are 12 years old and one of them is schizophrenic. They *beep* up but don't realize the gravity of their situation and deserve sympathy as well IMO. It seems like we disagree about that.


but don't realize the gravity of their situation

Did you watch this film? They were fully aware that dead means dead and that they would be locked up forever or (mistaken belief) executed.

Anyone old enough to remember Dahmer knows that Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty but the fact that these girls thought they could be facing execution and proceeded anyway removes any doubt that they didn't realize the gravity of what they were doing.


They also thought they could walk to an imaginary mansion that was a 5 hour drive. These girls need help IMO deserve a second chance but need to stay under state supervision for now.


They also thought they could walk to an imaginary mansion that was a 5 hour drive.

Not understanding geography or distance is hardly compelling. My 46 y/o wife still freaks out when I say "turn north" instead of "turn left". She has lived here her whole life and still can't work that out.


We're not gonna get through to each other. You are taking a hardline approach on children. I think at the age of 18 they should be evaluated and potentially given a second chance based on how they have developed. We simply have different feelings on the matter.


Have you heard of Craig Sorger? Hell no I'm not going to take it easy on "children". Two 12 y/o's beat and murdered an autistic boy for absolutely no reason. They cried innocent in the national news to the point they had supporters collecting money for them. So many naive, ridiculous fools believed these kids were innocent. Then one of the murderers felt guilty and confessed.

Did any of the morons who believed they were innocent apologize? Nope. They just faded away.

Fade away.


How is this person "suffering"? He doesn't spare a thought for the innocent victim of his daughter! He obviously did a poor job raising her (and was possibly responsible for her shifting from a sociopath into a full-blown psychopath). Yeah, he's the victim here! Absurd.

If he ate a lot and got fat, he ate a lot and got fat. If he posted some disturbing stuff on the internet, he posted some disturbing stuff on the internet. If he was partially responsible for his daughter planning a murder, he was partially responsible for his daughter planning a murder. Don't you agree that people should take some responsibility for their actions instead of crying victim all the time?


How is he suffering? He's a lifetime schizophrenic who has clearly still having issues, and now he is blaming himself for passing it onto his daughter. Did it strike you as normal when he was talking about hallucinations? Why do you so easily cast aside his own mental illness.

reply goodness. Reading the posts here. I hope many of you never have to have or raise children without some more understanding.

The weight of the parent has nothing to do with it. Many children of slender parents have killed, join cults, became "famous" slayers. They make up things, talk to inanimate objects that come real (remember Berkowitz talking to the dog? yikes) Some of their parents were super rich, and some piss-poor too. Matters not really. But something does matter. Too much love? Not enough? It's hard to detect in many of these cases.

These children had issues. Peer issues, mental issues...issues. Could the parents see it? I dunno. Did it have to do with horror movies, horror books, horror on the internet? I dunno. They were influenced somehow and thought what they did was justified in their child minds. BUT millions of children (and I am one) have watched these films and internet, etc. and aren't going around killing.

All I can say is that there are many people who get 'lost' in non-reality, and find a need to make up their own. Why? THat's the difficult thing to grasp, and the hardest thing for a parent -- or even outsiders -- to get.

👉It's got electrolytes: 2017-2021


All I can say is that there are many people who get 'lost' in non-reality, and find a need to make up their own. Why? THat's the difficult thing to grasp, and the hardest thing for a parent -- or even outsiders -- to get.

Wow. These kids did a lot more than "get lost in non-reality and needed to make up their own." They are looking at the possibility of a very long time or life in prison due to a horrendous crime. And Morgan's parents did nothing regarding all of her morbid and death describing paintings and notes.

That's really not hard to "grasp" at all.


And Morgan's parents did nothing regarding all of her morbid and death describing paintings and notes.

It is if you think that's all there is to thinking THAT was the problem. It wasn't. What about the children who draw this all day long and grow up to be ...fine. They do. These children had a heck of a lot more wrong with how they grasped onto reality and found ways of escaping it.

Those parents did not know whether these were actions of children who were going to grow out of it, become writers like Stephen King or become homicidal maniacs, and they turned out to be the latter. What if they sent them to a psychologist at 9-10-11 years old? Think that would have helped them, or made them even MORE psychotic? We'll never know because now they are murderers living in a fantasy world.

I am NOT backing or trying to excuse these parents at all in this, but I am questioning what constitutes armchair discovery after the fact. We all hope our children grow up and become decent citizens. Parents try to do the right thing, and some of these homicidal maniacs they raised were valedictorians, members of local civic outfits, etc. All I am saying is fat parent, thin parent, disturbed writing, is still hard to grasp overall what turns people...children... like this.

👉It's got electrolytes: 2017-2021


What about the children who draw this all day long and grow up to be ...fine. They do. These children had a heck of a lot more wrong with how they grasped onto reality and found ways of escaping it.

Congratulations, you just answered your own question. These children in fact "had a heck of lot more wrong with how they grasped onto reality and found ways of escaping it."

And yet, their parents chose not to investigate it. In fact, Morgan's parents were laughing and smiling about her issues most of the time when discussing them. As if they were strangely proud of them, which is pretty sick.

Yes, the overwhelming majority of kids do not commit these sorts of acts. But these two DID. And in part because their parents chose to ignore the signs and address the issues they had.

You are, in fact, making excuses for them.


Berkowitz lied about the dog he was also found to not have any mental issues, he takes no medications and does not see or talk to imaginary things.

Berkowitz said (in the 90's) that a cult had him doing the killings and he was not alone in committing murders.
