
Maybe it's just me but I feel like Anissa really orchestrated the whole thing. The picture of them at the pool Anissa looks domineering, controlling, and down right evil and Morgan is looking at her as if she's looking at her biggest idol. It also seems strange that after Morgan said she couldn't do it it was Anissa that convinced her she should do it. She was the one that mentioned being proxies as if it were Morgan's decision but I think it was her. Then the videos she watched and the comments she would leave. I feel like she was the kind of person who wanted to plan a perfect murder. I think she was jealous of Peyton for having been friends with Morgan longer. Also she would only cry while the detective was in the room with her as soon as the detective left her alone she remained emotionless. I think she knew Morgan would be easily manipulated into committing the crime and would be the fall guy if they got caught. I think she's the true mastermind.


I 100% agree.


I think your comment is spot on and you summed up the entire reason behind this crime, jealousy..



I agree, she seemed like the leader in the whole thing. Numerous times Morgan stated that she did not want to do it anymore or that she was bascially hoping to put it off forever. Every time that happened, Anissa said something like "no, we have to do it."

The only time Anissa showed any doubt was when Morgan actually handed her the knife and then she said "no you do it." I think Anissa wanted Payton dead and her plan the entire time was to try to manipulate Morgan into doing it for her.

Then afterwards she says something like "what did you do?!" Give me a break, she did what you've been begging her to do for a while now.


I don't understand why they seem to blame everything on Morgan. Anissa was clearly the psychotic, manipulative ring leader of the two. When Morgan said she didn't want to do it, Anissa insisted on her going through with it. Anissa was even smiling and partially laughing while talking about what they did to the girl. I felt like I was watching a documentary of idiots that blamed the crime on a girl was mentally ill, but not a psychotic killer like her friend. Anissa reminds me of Manson.


I agree with everyone's agreeing. Def. looks that way. Morgan was her patsy, or "proxy."
