Season 2

Full Fronatl renewed for season 2, through 2017. Yay for Sam Bee!


YAY! More yelling into an echo chamber!


Well, one suggestion is: if you don't like this show, don't watch it. Simple.


There is nothing wrong with keeping an eye on the competition. Liberals do it too and there is nothing wrong with that. All media and politicians need to be watched carefully. No exceptions.


Feel free, you,have the right. But then don't complain about watching a show you don't like. Yes, I know, you have that right too, but it's not very productive, is it?

And Sam Bee is. It 'the media'. This is a comedy show, not the nightly news.


I would say that monitoring Bee's show was very productive as it probably denied votes to HRC.


I don't. But I blame people like Sam Bee and her audience for losing the election. Bee, Oliver, and them were scream and whine to an audience that fully believes everything they say. They don't raise interesting points or make insightful jokes; they insult everyone who doesn't see the world the way they see it. When some liberals were saying, "Hillary sure looks like an awful candidate - she's super corrupt, cozy with big banks, pro-war, etc," they made sure to shout us down as "bros" and called Hillary "Queen Bee Hillary Beyoncé Rodham Clinton" (or whatever stupid thing Bee called her) and their smugness made most liberals stay home.

Her show is no different than the Fox News comedy shows on late nights everyone likes to mock. It's not ok just because she's yelling about stuff that makes us feel better.

Watching her show, Oliver's show, the Daily Show, MSNBC, and then reading HuffPo and Slate all day is no different than reading Drudge and listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, and watching Fox News all day. People who do either lock themselves into their own realities with distorted facts and are then shocked when the world doesn't reflect those facts.

Bee's show is the most divisive of them all. She yells and whines about how awful all Republicans are and is then shocked when she doesn't get her way. We, as liberals, need to do better than listening to these carnival barkers and people who just play on our emotions.


I like the move to Wednesdays, instead of being the night after Oliver's show airs. For me personally, the best would be Saturday night when there isn't Oliver, Noah, or Maher; but I know that's considered a dead tv time (I don't have tv service and just watch online the following day).


Guess that DNC/Clinton foundation money was spent on this crap thinking billary was gonna get win....oops


Next time, try proper grammar and spelling so one might know what the heck you're rambling about. I know, I know, you hate Hillary. Get over it.
