I love this show

Weird how much I disagree with other posters, I think this shows is hilarious and a great replacement for StewBeef's lost voice. First, conservatives need not apply, she is a flaming liberal and proud of it. Second, her take down of Donald Trump is epic https://youtu.be/_gk72KC4jWc with the link showing p.gate, which was very real, watching her previous episodes I coudln't help put notice that this topic of sexual assault had been talked about WAY before the incident. Again, I'm surprised by the lukewarm reception here, YouTube and Twitter seems very active.


This is an awesome show and I heard about it through word of mouth. It always puzzles me when people get upset when you show them a fact.


I love her too. I'm baffled that people can't figure out, after all this time, how to change the channel if they don't like the show that's on. Even children have that one mastered.


All the boards here have people who are not fans of of the given show in question. The supporters offer talking points as to why they think their show is good in quality. Maybe this is something you should try instead of whining.


Suggesting people change the channel if they don't like the show on their TV is not whining, it's common sense. I'm. It going to try to convince someone to like a tv show. I don't care that much what shows you watch. Perhaps you should find a show you like instead of watching shows you don't like in order to whine about them on a message board.


If I am concerned that impressionable people are watching a show that is intellectually dishonest then I am not going to stop watching it nor am I going to stop expressing my concern. I am still trying to figure out how Bee's horse in the race who is Hillary is going to advance the causes of women and minorities? Crappy trade deals and wide open borders are not. Hillary got a bump in the polls yesterday and the Dow Jones average jumped which tells me that those business people who paid to hear Hillary "speak" know they are getting a lot for their buck if she becomes President. Bee got a show for the purpose of promoting Clinton's campaign and if the ratings hold then maybe it will carry past this week.


You're free to continue to watch a show you don't like. I consider it a waste of time, but feel free. I also think Fox News spews a lot of lies, so I don't watch Fox News. Simple, right?


I do not watch Fox news. If you think that they throw out inaccuracies and lies then would you not watch to keep track and call them out on it?


No, I will not give ratings to a show I feel is inaccurate. Ratings keep a show on the air. By not contributing to ratings of a show I don't like, I make my feelings known. I find boosting the ratings of a show I don't like to be counterproductive.


I know I do not impact the ratings of any given show and I doubt that you do either. I know that I have never been contacted by the Nielsen ratings people and doubt that I ever will since I live in an area unimportant to most advertisers. I have nothing to lose by watching Bee and other liberal themed programs and weighing the content against my beliefs. I feel the same about the conservatives even though there is not much of an overlap in terms of philosophies in terms of myself versus the conservative media. Try cutting yourself loose from the national media because you might just like it.


No worri s, I get plenty of news from other sources, not just TV. I am just not going to continue to watch any tv I don't like. Take the Walking Dead, for example. I don't care for zombie movies, TV shows or books. Therefore, I do not watch the Walking Dead. I have never felt the need to go that board and bash the show. I just don't watch it. There are plenty of other shows I do enjoy, so I spend my limited time watching those. I watch tv for entertainment, not to gather info to go onto a message board to complain about it.

I guess you and I just have different TV philosophies. Oh, and I was a Nielsen family before. It was really a pain in the rear, but we did it.


I think you're a moron.


Women are NOT funny


I absolutely LOVE this show and love it even more because of how much it gets under people's thin skin. ANYONE who tells it like it is, and not how they're told it is, is a "liberal" which for one I don't even think they know what a liberal actually is and secondly, I highly doubt she cares. Most people that "hate" this show are Trump supporters who can't see past their beer guts anyway, let alone understand accept anything against their lord and master, despite evidence to the contrary.

She puts Trump in his place in an intelligent yet sassy and comical way made even better because she's a woman. The people that wholeheartedly and emphatically hate her and this show are just as thin-skinned as he is and will attack ANYONE who disagrees with them like a pack of rabid hyenas foaming at the mouth. If TBS does drop her, I'm willing to bet Comedy Central will snatch her up.

"I have EXORCISED the demon"
