This show had a great premise, and the first episodes were pretty interesting ...
but it quickly turned more braindead than Dumb and Dumber movie.
sharebut it quickly turned more braindead than Dumb and Dumber movie.
shareTerrorism seems like a dated topic in 2020.
shareThe first season ended on a fantastic cliffanger with a powerful villain. But maybe the fact that Trump was elected before season 2, and that the villain looked too much like a 'right wing' terrorist scared the show runners , so they dropped the whole thing, and the show became a bland "West wing" wannabe, with nothing to care about.
shareWell, that's our Liberal Media for you ... always standing up and looking out for Republican values.
?? Hey, wait a minute??
They're not really liberal. They like ratings above all. The plot of season one with clearly right wing extremists and a dictator-wannabe blond villain ( remember, Trump was just elected) probably felt too close to home , and they didn't want to be called "Liberals"