I dunno, for me I sort of started dropping it. They sort of stopped going after the people responsible for the whole attack and went into identity politics and other such things a president must handle; equal rights and stuff like that. Wonder if this was how the West Wing done it as well (never saw the series but I heard it was good). Also feels like I was just watching one of the many Criminal Investigative (CSI/NCIS/etc.) tv shows but in Nikita mode.
Yep. They ended the first season with a great cliffhfanger : Patrick Lyod in the wind with ALL US secrets (!!) . They built this formidable ennemy and had us anticipating even more action, then had him come back to the Us ( in a REGULAR AIRPORT) and die like a rat un a bunker (!!?) sulking like a baby because he couldn't see his family ( !!!?). Besides , with all the informations he has and his organisation , he chose to come HIMSELF to plant evidence to a ridiculous "scandal" that goes nowhere?!!
As I said in a previous post, my opinion is that the producers wanted to play safe. The Patrick Lyod of season 1 is a right wing fascist who must have had the complicity of COUNTLESS officials ( that ridiculous militia was not enough) .I suspect the creators of the show didn't want to be called "liberals" by the current administration by implying over and over that some republican polititians are dirty and murderers.
Another reason could also be budget cuts. The end of season one promised us an epic international manhunt with a lot of action ( and possible retaliations at home by Lyod's organization) . Maybe they couldn't do it with the budget they had ( If true they should have waited before they could deliver)
Instead they removed everything that made the show interesting , introduced the MOST useless, annoying, obnoxious character ; and, as you said turned it into a West Wing copy ( you should REALLY check it out!) .The difference is; we knew what we were getting with the West Wing. Compared to Season 1, I feel this season is like me getting a huge flat screen Tv box on christmas but there are only rocks in it!
Ah, neat. Thanks for the info. If they ever do pick up again (action conspiracy wise), let me know. I kinda dropped the show for now since it wasn't really going anywhere. I'll be sure to check out West Wing when I have the time (backlog :/).
Yeah ... it seems like for a show as dramatic as this, say compared to Jericho, you have to stick with and play out the original premise is an interesting way, but like others have said, DS is trying to turn into West Wing or something.
I am getting a bit tired of reality being pushed so far it is laughable - such as anorexic Maqqie Q. beating up men who are 3 times her size, or going out and shooting someone in public and not reporting it or even verifying the kill. This is purely insulting and stupid.
Ah right, I did read about that. I stopped watching the show so I was just asking ppl to spoil me. :p
I knew she was planning to leave the show just didn't know how she would do so be it conflict of interest or death. So now Bauer has to do more presidential stuff while Nikitta opens her pussy to that British spy while hunting for baddies, right?
The original premise would have been best suited as a 6 part mini-series. Now it’s just another White House/DC politics show and a below-average one at that.