MovieChat Forums > Designated Survivor (2016) Discussion > Is it just me......(Spoilers)

Is it just me......(Spoilers)

or this series starting to careen out of control? I'm still enjoying it, but it's getting further and further away from reality.

MacLeish ordering "shoot to kill"? That would never fly in the real world. He's more or less admitting he's in on the conspiracy.

The VP going to Arlington in the middle of the night to meet with his guy?

The bad guys kill the FBI man's son? Now they have nothing to hold over him.

And there are other examples. These are the ones I can think of right now.


I don't see that - out of control. I really enjoyed the last 2 episodes (and the one before the break).

McLeish's shoot to kill - I saw him wanting/enjoying in that position of control. Whether or not that would happen in the real world - I don't know and I didn't question it at the time. Aaron didn't agree, so right there it seemed out of the box.

I was really surprised they killed that boy - they got what they wanted and didn't want to have a witness. That one lady that had him/looking for Hannah...she must be "the cleaner"

McLeish meeting that guy at night was strange, but did it really matter? He was being watched and found out and later killed.

What bothered me was Hannah going to McLeish alone? Where were the rest of the "Swat" team? Took them like an hour to get there.


Hannah alone was definitely weird.


Good point. I forgot about Hannah going to Mcleish alone without the swat team. Another example of this series getting slightly out of control imho. But then that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.



Yeah, I was screaming at the TV "HANNAH, WHY ARE YOU ALONE???!!!" Where in reality she would have swarmed MacLeash with like 10 other FBI agents.

And then somehow MacLeish's aide rushes from the White House all the way to Arlington in a matter of minutes just in time to take out Peter? That wasn't very believable.


I see things as you do Sammi.

Not out of control, but definitely moving. That is one thing you can't criticize this show for- moving slowly.


I was very surprised to see them kill the FBIs son. Not sure what they gained by that.

I wonder how this will affect Jason. He looked pretty bummed tonight, but I'm expecting him to make a comeback for his son.


I agree. I couldn't figure out why they killed the son. Made no sense. I also agree that Jason will make a comeback.



Maybe because the son could give a description of the woman, or possibly ID her?


Possibly. Or maybe they were just evil people.


I was about to stop watching the show a few times because of it. Then, they move the story forward and I end up forgiving them. I'm expecting them to go too far away from reality and I'll probably give up.


I agree. I'm hanging on.....for now.



but no one cares what you think, right?


Probably not.



I care.


Thank you, MrSpock.



My pleasure!
