Sandra Oh
I find her very attractive...
Is this 'sexy' at all or is it just two women beating the hell out of each other..?
I find her very attractive...
Is this 'sexy' at all or is it just two women beating the hell out of each other..?
Not sexy at all
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Ill move along🚶
I just had to watch it...i may have a crush on Sandra Oh:)
So, it was more or less two ladies beating the daylights out of each other but i found it very charming
The hoity-toity art world scenes, the wonderful son who gave himself to the horrors of war, the Political satire...
This movie was WAY more interesting and exciting then i expected
Also, the violent bits caused me to realize what a folly violence is...i think this movie is awesome
I have a movie crush for Sandra Oh btw;)
I may have mentioned this before
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