Godawful show.

I don't know what is it about these charlatan directors and writers who can't go back in time and make believable dialogue? I absolutely loathe to see a period piece with characters using modern day ideas. Also, that Groff guy is untalented and uber gay, he is not believable at all. But in an Obamasized world, there's no pointing out the truth.


Ugh. That is indeed a problem today with many writers viewing & portraying history through the filter of modern ideals


I love how Obama has something to do with this. I grew up in the 70s, and didn't notice any anachronisms. But, I'd love to see what dialogue you heard that wasn't consistent with the time.


I agree, Daisy_Mabel. I think people often assume such concepts are recent because they themselves have only heard of them recently.


Well, the gayness of the main actor only mattered in how the relationship between Holden and his girlfriend was weak... It didn't seem like he was into her even before all the weirdness due to going deep into the minds of serial killers...

Was the main character meant to be closeted? Or his sexuality ambiguous? I don't know... but it wasn't a massive issue as the series is much more about process and the development of ideas and practices rather than characters... they probably should have kept it that way, rather than give us too much character backstory and sentimental side-plots (the troubled adopted son, the lesbianness of the professor, etc...)... Overall, i think they were successful in keeping the season focused on the main themes, but i have a feeling we'll get more soap opera and side plotd in the next season...

Has he played straight successfully before? I haven't seen his other movies...


I really do hope we will not be subjected to a soap opera in between bits of intense drama.

I FF those mundane scenes anyway.


What's ambiguous about it? He ate pucci, this is to perform a submissive act to a woman, therefore hes gay.


Is the actor gay? Because he came across as really gay to me too and I'm usually horrible at that sort of stuff.


yes he is. And the kind that can't play straight.


It doesn't help that he has a slight lisp as well.


He needs to find another profession because acting just ain't his gig.


Unfortunately for all of us, he is not going away.




Yes, a few anachronisms really bugged the sh*t outta me . For instance, they use the word "book bag". The term for that time period was "school bag".

Another, the woman agent used the term "full transparency". Yeah right, never used until the present, ad nauseum too.
