Where to watch.
How can I watch Skam in the US?
shareIt got super popular, you can find it everywhere. follow this twitter account ISAKxEVEN which is the first source for this show... but there's this drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B4_tljy06u8UVlc0RmF5ek9hTnM?sort=14&direction=d
(make a copy and then download if the video doesn't open)
and this is the link for the new season where the new clips are uploaded: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2fUjgXqU1aKY2xScWM1QTJWTFE
i don't know if you know how it works, but it has uploads everyday during the week on this site: skam.p3.no where there's not only clips but also texts and instagram pictures of the characters, cuz it's like real life thing.
there's translations on twitter and tumblr..