MovieChat Forums > Holy Hell (2016) Discussion > Will Allen please read

Will Allen please read

Hello Will,

I wanted to tell you what a lovely and tasteful job you did putting this documentary together. My heart is crying for each and every person that was affected by this DEMON! I pray that each and every one of you truly gets to know the real God, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is truly scary how people can put so much faith into a person. I am so glad you all made it out alive and that you can move forward in true healing. God Bless you for speaking your truth and sharing it with the world.

Thank you,


Hi Dementlegirl

I want to tell you how saddened I am to read that you believe in Jesus Christ... I truly hope that you at some point in your life are able to leave this cult and start to think on your own. I myself was a Christian for many years until my eyes were opened by the sheer fact that what Christianity stands for is both evil and wrong. I expect that you have experienced as I did being Love-Bombed and being told that you are special. I hope that one day you will realize that this is actually true without having to be part of a so-called church, a church that serves nothing but to zap your consciousness and take your money.

Thank you


I appreciate you taking the time to share your views with me. I am not a new Christian and God has never stopped "love-bombing" me. Maybe you focused too much on people instead of God. Just know he still loves you and is awaiting your return.❀


Why don't you use facebook, nobody of importance on Moron Chat. Jesus was gay too!


You were here, so... there's that. It was a great movie!


How sad to watch this and not realize how similar your own religious beliefs are to the experience in this film. I am happy that you have a belief that brings you some contentment but to suggest inserting your own cult for theirs is so embarrassingly unaware.
