Just watched on Netflix

Excellent documentary that had me holding back tears during the third act.

Daisy was so courageous for participating in this , for life must have been hellish for that girl.

Her older brother also impressed me , I have no doubt that he'll come out of this stronger than ever.

Kudos to the filmmakers and everyone involved !

Highly recommended !!

"You work your side of the street, and I'll work mine"


Great documentary. Pity the sheriff was a dick.


He did come off as knucklehead and he had two daughters!!


I'm getting ready to watch Audrie & Daisy now. I have my Kleenex at hand. In the back of my mind I keep thinking about Amanda Todd and how she was not only bullied her to death, they continued to cyber bully her long after she had passed. And if anyone defended her honor they were called "Toddlers". Beyond ridiculous. How can anyone be so cruel?


Agree with everything you wrote.


Daisy was so courageous for participating in this , for life must have been hellish for that girl.

Yes, I can't believe she stuck to and graduated High School. If ever there was a case for dropping out or homeschooling it was hers. Imagine trying to turn in a paper while dodging arrows! Amazing! God bless her!


I've just watched it ... and I've come away feeling so much anger towards to system ... those girls should have been protected, instead they were abused and taunted.. even by the authorities who implied that they go what they deserved.

We cannot turn into a society that is desensitised to rape. Rapists have to be punished and victims have to be protected.

Unless the person you are with is conscious and coherent and says "hell yeah lets do this" then it is RAPE!
