MovieChat Forums > Audrie & Daisy (2016) Discussion > If you've heard one story you've heard 1...

If you've heard one story you've heard 100

I don't mean to sound cruel and I believe that the whole story is a tragedy. The age of cyber bullying, and what small towns think of their sports players is severely backwards as well.
I will now say that despite this , I don't believe there is anything that we did not know in this documentary. If you have heard this story then you've heard 100. Being a young person can be cruel for any gender. It's a shame that these stories exist, but as long as social media exists (which will be forever) than these young kids will be cruel to each other . It's something that will continue unfortunately.
I wish Netflix just made a new series or came out with season 2 of Stranger Things or Sense8 instead already than more melodramatic and depressing documentaries.





But season one of strangers thing just came out so why would they put season two out right now. Also don't watch the documentaries if you don't like them.


What a great attitude. You do sound cruel and vapid. In your world, you think more entertainment needs to made and not to make "depressing" documentaries. You are basically saying, let's not shine the light on the atrocities that occur which could possibly help people who have been in a similar situation. Additionally, this isn't just about social media or young people being cruel. This is about the sexual assault of young girls and the stigma that gets unfairly attached to the victims.

I hope you can read this reply with an open mind and see the point I am trying to make.
Otherwise, you do indeed simply desire Bread and Circuses. Worked great for the Roman Empire.


I completely disagree. This as about RAPE for heavens sakes ... it will always be vile detestable and shocking ... if you are not shocked and outraged then you are part of the problem


Your comment is callous and disgusting and that is your opinion and it's atrociously narrow minded and severely disappointing. I hope your children never go through something like sexual assault. I worry for them because of your cavalier attitude that is the exact problem we have with rape culture. Being a young person doesn't excuse RAPE. By your back ass logic, because this problem has always existed and because we are in an age of social media "It's something that will continue unfortunately". NO NO NO NO we must demand better for ourselves and our posterity. We need to teach children that you treat other human beings with dignity and respect. We need to teach our boys that they are not above consequences and oh I dunno how about you can't have sex with an unconscious person because that is RAPE!!!!! Boys need to see girls as human beings with hearts and souls and feelings not sexualized objects. Go back to the 1950s lady we don't need you in this era. you're a disgrace..

Also if you feel the need to be entertained and not enlightened feel free to watch literally anything else on Netflix. This documentary clearly didn't do anything for you as you're a simpleton. Watch the Kardashians.


Well said. I agree. It's actually really sick that someone would even say or imply that these types of situation are the norm and we should just deal. This is about sexual assault and RAPE not just cyber bullying. So rape is just a part of life we need to accept and move on? No! It's real simple for you young men and BOYS out there. DON'T RAPE. DON'T TOUCH SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. How about that becomes the new normal?




Why not both? Netflix is doubling their original content output in 2016. You're really looking for another season of Stranger Things months after the airing of the first season? They are making plenty of original content, in fact Luke Cage came out this past Friday. Your statement has no basis in reality.
